Page 21 - May 2020 parish mag_Classical
P. 21

you have them. Try growing potatoes in  tomato salads. Cut and come again spinach
      containers.              and rocket are also good, as they can be cut
                               within three to four weeks.
      Put up supports for fast growing perennials
      before they grow too big and fall over.  Feed your lawn to keep the grass looking
                               healthy and green. Water the lawn regularly
      Try taking cuttings of plants such as fuchsias  if rain is scarce.
      and geraniums to increase your stock. You
      could pass these on to friends and family or  TOP GARDENING TIPS FOR
      donate to the Village Shop to sell on for  THE LOCKDOWN IN MAY
      extra funds for the Shop.

      Continue to sow seeds for salads, so that you
      get  a  continuous  supply  throughout  the  LACK OF SPACE TO GROW VEG
                               If you have flower borders but no veg patch,
      If you have a veg plot, plant out brassicas  you can grow things such as chard and
      such as cabbages, cauliflower and broccoli.  cabbages  in  gaps  in  between  flowering
      Intersperse plants like chard and beetroot in  plants. They will help to support other plants
      flower beds and borders to add attractive  and act as foliage plants, with big attractive
      foliage appeal.          leaves.
      If you have a garden pond, clear out invasive  Grow climbing beans, peas and mange tout
      weeds  that  cut  out  light  and  create  an  up climbing frames or pergolas instead of,
      unhealthy pond environment.  or as well as sweet peas or other flowering
      If you have children, get them interested in
      gardening and growing flowering plants and  If you want to grow potatoes, but have
      vegetables. Give them a patch of the garden  limited space, try using pots or old buckets.
      and show them how to germinate seeds and  New buckets only cost £1, then make a few
      pot  them  on,  then  plant  on  their  patch.  holes in the bottom. Even bin liners with
      Encourage them to grow cress, mustard and  holes  in  the  bottom  will  work  for  one
      salad leaves from seed on a window ledge  season. You can use these pot alternatives
      or in a verandah, greenhouse or porch. Also  for other crops, such as tomatoes, carrots,
      try beetroot, basil, coriander and fenugreek  courgettes and cucumbers.
      seeds, if you can get hold of them. Cut and
      use as micro salads to enhance lettuce and

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