Page 19 - May 2020 parish mag_Classical
P. 19

your garden. Move to a new area every day at  them  whilst  they  slowly  meet  their
      until the garden is as free as possible of Waterloo!
      weeds. Little and often is best. Spending
      several hours, just weeding can make you  Certain weeds are incredibly resistant to our
      resentful and often leads to a lack of interest  methods of killing them off. Bindweed and
      in doing it again. If you do complete the  couch grass being the most irritating of all.
      weeding of your garden, to your satisfaction,  One  of  my  neighbours  used  to  form  a
      you  can  look  at  it  and  feel  a  sense  of  wigwam with a few six-foot bamboo canes
      achievement. Keep your foot on the pedal  and stood the wigwam in an area where
      though and start the process again. It will be  bindweed was particularly aggressive. Over
      easier the second time around. Most of the  the  course  of  several  weeks,  bindweed
      weeds will have been removed during the  climbed up the canes. My neighbour then
      first weeding cycle and you will clear more  sprayed weed killer over the whole wigwam,
      ground in your ten-minute session. Using  effectively wiping the bindweed out. It is a
      the mowing of your lawn as an analogy, you  good short-term option but repeat action will
      mow the lawn maybe once a week during  be inevitable. Weeding is an essential part
      the Summer. You accept that as part of the  of gardening life, I’m afraid.
      gardening week. Think about weeding in the  If you do not want to use conventional
      same  way,  being  part  of  your  normal  weedkillers, you may like to consider white
      gardening routine.       vinegar.  The  chemical  name  for  the

      During  our  isolation  because  of  the  compound known as vinegar is acetic acid,
      Coronavirus,  most  people  who  have  a  [CH3COOH  for  the  chemistry  buffs
      garden, will probably have more time to  amongst us]. It is a weak acid. I have tried
      spend  in  the  garden  during  the  day.  white vinegar and it does work. You can buy
      Achieving a more attractive and productive  20 litres online for £12 and you can dilute it
      garden will give you a feeling of pride and  to make it go further, but it can take time and
      a sense of wellbeing.    second  applications  are  sometimes
                               necessary.  I  would  tend  to  use  it  for
      If you really cannot face weeding every day, individual weeds on patios, driveways and
      one way to minimise it is to put down weed on borders. I would not weed large areas
      suppressant  material  that  allows  water with it. It could become very expensive in
      through, but cuts out light to weeds, thus, the  long  run.  It  is  the  only  weed  killer
      slowly  killing  the  weeds.  It  may  take  a allowed now in French gardens. How long
      couple of years to eradicate weeds under the before the same is true here? The thinking is
      material, but, at least, you do not have to look that overuse of traditional weed killers leads
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