Page 23 - May 2020 parish mag_Classical
P. 23

TEN OF THE BEST GARDEN  survive in both dry conditions, but also,
          RELATED WEBSITES     other extreme conditions, such as damp
      1]  and shaded areas.
      Great as a general information site. Offers  5] -  Another
      available for plants and seeds.  site where you can buy many of the hard
      2] - Have a  working plants in the garden, but also,
      vast range of plants. Demand will be high  many unusual varieties.
      because of the time of year.  6]
      3]   - Very good  - seeds galore, plus tools and compost.
      for seeds, whether it is flowering plants,  7] - plants,
      vegetables  or  essentially,  whatever  you  bulbs, flowers and seed. Can be a little
                               more expensive, but very good quality
      4] - Beth  produce.
      Chatto, who died quite recently, was an  8] - great for
      innovative gardener, especially in the
                               summer bulbs, plus dahlias.
      development of dry gardens and the plants  9] -
      that are happy in dry conditions. She was  specialists in herbaceous perennials.
      based in the south east of England, which  10]  -  Jekka
      is the driest part of Britain. Unsurprisingly,  McVicar is known as one of the country’s
      the website is devoted to plants that can  leading authorities on herbs.
                         NICK ADAMSON

              Quiet please! Kindly don't impede my concentration.
           I am sitting in the garden thinking thoughts of propagation,
            Of sowing and of nurturing, the fruits my work will bear.
                 And the place won't know what's hit it . . .
                     Once I get up from my chair.
                           Pam Ayres

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