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                                                                      2. ALWAYS CARRY A NOTEBOOK

                                                                      The  one  thing  that  you  will  find
                                                                      familiar  in  most  managed  people
                                                                      is, they always carry a notebook. In
                                                                      that  notebook,  they  can  write  a
                                                                      new  idea  that  crosses  their  minds,
                 Nowadays, social media and our knack                 makes  notes  for  a  meeting,  and
                 for  marking  our  presence  online  are             writes  down  something  good  that
                 becoming        significant    distraction           they  read  in  a  book.  We  learn
                 sources.  People  do  not  know  how  to             many  things  in  a  day,  but  we  grab
                 complete     their   work   on    time   or          hold  of  them  only  when  we  have
                 schedule  their  day  to  achieve  their             captured     them    in   some   form.
                 tasks on time and enjoy other things as              Therefore,  if  you  are  out  and  find
                 well.  Do  you  always  want  to  learn  the         something  good  that  you  can  use
                 best    methods      to   increase    your           to     make     your     task    more
                 productivity?  No  worries,  we've  got              meaningful, just take note of it and
                 some  productivity  hacks  for  you.  Let’s          implement  it  when  you  are  on  the
                 have a look.                                         desk.

                   1. PRIORITIZE YOUR TASKS                           3. SAY NO TO EVERYTHING THAT
                                                                      DOESN'T SUPPORT YOUR
                 I  understand  that  you  have  a  lot  on           IMMEDIATE GOAL.
                 your plate, and you don't know how to
                 get  through  this  pile  of  work.  But  we         When  you  have  a  lot  to  be  done
                 can prioritize. So, start with prioritizing          and  get a  call  from  your  friends  to
                 the  tasks  that  you  have  to  deliver  in  a      join them for a party, just say no to
                 short  time  or  prioritize  the  tasks  that        it.  Your  mind  will  force  you  to  say
                 are big and going to benefit you in the              yes because it wants to experience
                 long  run.  When  you  have  prioritized             dopamine       secretion    and     be
                 your  tasks  start  working  on  your  big           temporarily happy, but you have to
                 project  in  the  morning.  Psychologists            plan  it  long-term,  so  just  say  no  to
                 say  that  the  first  2  hours  of  the             everything  that  comes  in  between
                 morning are the most productive hours                your  goal.  It  will  take  effort,  but
                 in   anyone's    day.   So,   instead    of          the results are going to be great.
                 checking  emails  or  scrolling  through
                 social  media,  give  that  time  to  your
                 big  project  that  is  going  to  change
                 your life.

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