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[ minutes ]
          [  NYSAPLS Board of Directors Meeting • July 17, 2023

             Video Conference Call

          Meeting called to order at 2:05 p.m. by President Roy Garfinkel  I.   Consent Calendar:
                                                                  Minutes of the last Board of Directors meeting, Financial Reports, and Committee
          Present:                                                Reports/Minutes were included in the handouts distributed prior to the meeting
                                                                  and are typically all moved under a Consent Calendar format. Motion to accept the
          Association Officers:                                   Consent Calendar was made by C. Richard Moravec, seconded by John Abruzzo,
          President         Roy B. Garfinkel                      all in favor, none opposed, motion carried.
          Executive Vice President   Jeremy E. Thompson      II.   President’s Report
          Vice President    Steven J. Willard (Absent)            Roy Garfinkel
          Treasurer         Scott A. Gillis
          Secretary           Scott B. Allen (Absent)             •  Roy recently attended our Central regional’s meeting. Roy discussed our draft
                            Note – the meeting was recorded and the minutes   Minimum Technical Standards with them. Fourteen of their members attended.
                            were transcribed by the Secretary in abstention.  •  This past Friday Roy had a phone conversation with SBELSG Executive
                                                                   Secretary Eric Greppo. This was Roy’s third call with Eric. They discussed the
          Allegheny Plateau   Gerard Emborski                      status of SBELSG’s review of the draft MTS. Eric indicated that the review
          Black River Valley   Howard Lyndaker, Jeremy Thompson    process may not happen quickly. Eric plans to attend the LS Exam Review
          Catskill          Absent                                 Course being held by NYSAPLS this fall. Eric asked Roy to put the word out that
          Central           David Bardoun, Timothy Coyer           SBELSG is looking for more LS members. SBELSG currently has 3 LS’s and 2
          City              Saeid Jalilvand                        PE/LS’s.
          Delaware-Hudson   Absent                                •  Ad hoc Work Force Development Committee. Roy put forth the following names
          Eastern           Brie Meisler                           as his pick for committee members: Steve Boddecker – Chair, Jim Thew, Steve
          Genesee Valley    Absent                                 Miller, Jeremy Thompson, Roy Garfinkel, JJ McIntosh, Sean Baldwin. MOTION
          Long Island       John Abruzzo                           BY SCOTT GILLIS TO APPROVE PRESIDENT GARFINKEL’S APPOINTEES TO
          Mid-Hudson        Nicole Kalicicki                       THE AD HOC WORK FORCE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE, SECONDED BY
          Mohawk Valley     Jefferey Moore                         JOSHUA GRAF, ALL IN FAVOR, NONE OPPOSED, MOTION CARRIED.
          Nassau Suffolk    Scott Gillis
          Niagara Frontier   Brian Skalman, Joshua Graf      III.   Treasurer’s Report
          Northern          Robert Marvin, Jr.                    Scott Gillis
          Southern Finger Lakes   Absent                          •  Financial REPORTS were included in the handouts. We ended the 2022-2023
          Southern Tier     Brian Bush                             year with a small deficit ($3,777.66).
          Queensboro        Absent                                •  Scott presented the DRAFT UNRESTRICTED FUNDS POLICY dated 6/9/23 (also
          Westchester-Putnam   C. Richard Moravec                  included in the handouts). Scott asked that the Directors review this document
          For 2023, seven regionals and two members of the executive board are   with their regional members and send comments. This policy will be voted on
          required for a quorum (see Constitution and By-laws Article V Section 1.3 for   at the September 15th BOD meeting.
          definition of quorum). A quorum was present.
                                                             IV.   Executive Vice President’s Report
          Trustees: Steve Boddecker, Patricia Brooks, Glennon Watson  No report
          Executive Director: Absent                         V.   Association Operations (“HQ”) Report
          Managing Director: Amber Carpenter                      Managing Director, Amber Carpenter
          Director of Operations: Heather Schultz
          Legal and Legislative Counsel: Absent                   •  Amber wished our Administrative Assistant Sharon O’Brien a happy 4th year
          Committees:  Annual Conference  Absent                   work anniversary.
                   Nominations   Glenn Watson                     •  Amber is working with our accountant on year-end final closeout in preparation
                   Constitution/Bylaws  Marshall Wilson, Chair     for tax returns.
                   NSPS          Patricia Brooks, Chair           •  The Shaw Fund tax returns were just completed.
                   Education     William Eggers, Chair
                   Public Relations   Absent                      •  1,272 membership dues invoices have been issued. 745 have been paid to
                   Ethical Practices   David Zigler, Chair         date. Payments are due July 31st. A 30-day grace period is allowed. Reminder
                   Strategic Planning   Absent                     to Directors to reach out to any of their regional members who have not
                   Finance       Scott Gillis                      renewed yet. Each regional should appoint a membership contact person that
                   Young Professionals  Absent                     the NYSAPLS Membership Committee can reach out to.
                   Legislative   Absent                           •  HQ is always looking for input (articles, regional updates, etc.) to add to the
                   Ad hoc MTS    Jason Larson, Chair               Empire State Surveyor magazine.
                   LSPAC         Steve Boddecker
                   Ad hoc DOT Relations Absent
                   Membership    Absent
          Member Guests: None
          Other Guests: None

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