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[ short takes ]                           Associate Member Spotlight

                                                                                    Dave Vaga  has been  a  Party  Chief
                                                                                    with M.J. Engineering and Land
                                                                                    Surveying P.C. for 10 years; he has
                                                                                    gained knowledge in every aspect of

          FIG Working Week 2023                                                     the profession and continues to stay
          Save the Date: NGS @ FIG - May 31, 2023                                   up to date with the latest technology
                                                                                    as it becomes available.
          NGS will be presenting a full-day’s worth of content on
          NSRS Modernization during the FIG Working Week 2023                       He settled on land surveying when he
          meeting taking place at the end of May 2023 in Orlando,   Dave at the US/Canadian   discovered the job had many aspects,
                                                               Border near Rouses Point
                                                                                    he was interested in. He enjoyed
        Florida. For the first time in over 20 years, this annual   working outside and being in a different environment every day.

        gathering of the  International Federation of Surveyors   He also wanted to get experience working with CAD and using
        will be taking place in the United States, hosted by the   math to solve problems. Dave grew up near Syracuse and
        National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS).    initially worked as a cabinet manufacturer. He found that
               CALL FOR PAPERS
        The International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) is a United   manufacturing was not a good fit for him, and he began to look
        Nations  and  World  Bank  recognized  non-governmental   for a more challenging job from which he could make a career.
        international professional organization. FIG was founded   Eager to get into a career, he attended the NYS Ranger School
                  FIG WORKING WEEK 2023
        in 1878 and represents national associations of surveying,   to get into the field faster with real survey experience. He
        cadastre, valuation, national mapping professionals,   found his home at M.J. not long after. Work included a 50/50
               CALL FOR PAPERS
        geospatial experts and quantity surveyors working in both   split of office work and fieldwork. He worked hard to learn
        the public and private sectors, in the scientific, research   how to process field data in the office as well as take the

        and academic community, as well as from technology    processed data gathered in the field and turn it into a final map
                      28 MAY - 1 JUNE 2023
        innovators and industry from more than 120 countries   in  the  office.  He  took  on  organizing  and  mapping  a  large
        around the world.                                     project that the company still works on.
        We encourage you to attend the entire event and be sure   Being exposed to different jobs has given Dave the opportunity
                    ORLANDO, FLORIDA, USA
        to join us on the Wednesday after Memorial Day, May 31,   to learn and develop different skills. He enjoys working on

        2023 for an NSRS Modernization update.                boundary projects the most. He learns something new
          This Call for Papers is announced both for peer review
                  papers and non-peer review papers.
        Register online at:                                   whenever he gets the opportunity to work on a project field to
                                                              finish. He has an interest in history and enjoys doing research   on properties he works on.
                                                              Dave has experience working with all the technology that M.J.
                    [ classified]                             utilizes, from using Robotic Total stations and GPS to the 3D
                                                              laser scanners and Mobile LIDAR. He has had the opportunity
                                                              to work on many unique projects in different places across the
        SURVEY PRACTICE FOR SALE                              country. He worked on scanning projects with M.J. including

        Location: Long Island, NY                             Belmont Park, portions of West Point, roadways and tunnels
                                                              in Colorado, and the annual monitoring scan of the earthen
        Nassau County Land Surveying Practice for Sale. Over 6,000   embankment of the Conklingville Dam that holds back over
        projects and 26 years of records. LEICA Robotic Instruments,   280 billion gallons of water.
        GPS Receiver, Truck and Field Supplies included. Owners are
        retiring, willing to say on if needed to ease transition.  Over the last 10 years, he has worked with and learned from
                                                              some exceptionally talented people both in the field and the
        If interested, please contact NYSAPLS and mention     office. He likes to interact with other surveyors to share
        ad #122744.                                           information and stay connected. Dave is looking to the future
                                                              as he is currently working on getting licensed.

                                                              A special thank you to MJ Engineering for sponsoring the Associate
                 Looking for your dream job?                  membership dues for their staff and encouraging their participation
                More Job Opportunities Available at:          in our organization!

                                         EMPIRE STATE SURVEYOR / VOL. 59 • NO 1/ 2023 • JANUARY/FEBRUARY   19
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