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                                                                                 Embassy Suites Saratoga Springs
                                                                                 86 Congress Street
                                                                                 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
        NYS-Specific LS Exam Review Workshop                                     Our review course has been strategically
                                                                                 planned to coincide prior to the NYS
        Friday, March 10, 2023 – Saturday, March 11, 2023                        licensure exam date. Participants will
                                                                                 leave with a voluminous reference
        A review workshop customized to address the needs of surveying professionals   manual containing NYS rules, statutes,
        planning to sit for the New York State surveying licensure exam.         laws and other pertinent study reference
                                                                                 materials, including technical references,
        Course Objective: To familiarize land surveying applicants, potential

        applicants and surveying technicians with the issues, resources and      sample test questions and case law
        content required to successfully complete the New  York State land       summaries.
        surveying licensure exam.                                                Offered at reduced rates for NYSAPLS
        Description: This review program is customized to address the needs of   members!! Don’t miss your chance to
        surveying professionals planning to sit for the New York State surveying   experience an interactive, intensive
        licensure exam. The class will offer a comprehensive review of topics    preparatory session that will not only
        based on the licensing examination test blueprint, as published by the   review surveying topics on the exam,
        NYS Education Department Office of Professions:                          but will help you understand how to
                                                                                 prepare to take an exam of this
        •  Computation/Analysis                 •  Measurement/Location          magnitude. In exchange for this
        •  Documentation/Land Information Systems   •  Monumentation             preferred rate, attendees will be
        •  Ethics/Professional Responsibility   •  Project Management            requested to complete a question-naire
                                                                                 after the course as well as after taking
        •  Land Planning/Design                 •  Research                      the exam, to help improve the methods
        •  Legal Principles                                                      of teaching, material in the manual
                                                                                 and topics covered in the course.
        Time will be spent discussing testing strategies for a multiple-choice
        exam and how to prepare to sit for one.                                  2-Day Workshop Fee
                                                                                 If you have attended this specific
        Workshop Schedule*                                                       workshop in 2012-2022, you qualify
        Friday                                          Register Early –         for the “repeat attendee” discounted
        8:00am - 8:30am      Registration/Check-in      Limited Seating          registration fee.

        8:30am - 12:00pm     Workshop Morning Session                            Member Fee: ................... $299
        12:00pm - 1:00pm     Lunch Break (on your own)                           Non-Member Fee: ........... $399
                                                                                 Repeat attendee
        1:00pm - 6:00pm      Workshop Afternoon Session                          (member discount) ............ $249
        Saturday                                                                 Repeat attendee
        7:30am - 8:00am      Check-in                                            (non-member discount) ..... $349
                                                                                 Registrations received after
        8:00am - 12:00pm     Workshop Morning Session                            February 11  will be assessed a $50
        12:00pm              Session concludes                                   processing fee.

        *Schedule and break times are subject to change.                         Overnight Accommodations
                                                                                 A discounted overnight rate of $129
        NYSAPLS Bookstore on location
                                                                                 is  available  at  Embassy  Suites.  To
        NYSAPLS will offer a selection of publications and review manuals        make your reservations, call the hotel
        recommended as reading material by the New  York State Education         directly at 518-290-9090. Be sure to
        Department for purchase on-site.
                                                                                 mention group code PLS to receive
                                                                                 the discounted rate.

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