Page 13 - NYS_ESS_01-2025
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[ short takes ]
Prevailing Wage for Public Works – New Requirements NOAA NTDE Survey
Pursuant to Article 8 of the New York Labor Law, there are new requirements Dear Colleagues:
for contractors and subcontractors submitting bids or performing By this time if you are a member of one or more of the
construction work on public work projects or private projects. Starting
December 30, 2024, contractors and subcontractors need to register before professional surveying associations you have received a
submitting new bids or commencing new work on a covered project. The New copy of the “News and Views” newsletter from NSPS. In
York State Department of Labor has encouraged contractors and the November 17th edition you would have seen a notice
subcontractors to register as soon as possible to obtain a Certificate of that the NOAA Center for Operational Oceanographic
Registration to avoid delays in submission of bids. Products and Services (CO-OPS) is planning a release of
an updated National Tidal Datum Epoch (NTDE), likely in
New York Labor Law Section 220-i defines contractors as any entity entering
into a contract to perform construction, demolition, reconstruction, excavation, 2027. They are reaching out to the public in the form of a
rehabilitation, repair, installation, renovation, alteration, or custom fabrication. survey and webinar to assess the general understanding of
Subcontractor means any entity subcontracting with a contractor to perform the importance of the NTDE to various disciplines. These
one of those duties. changes will be significant to many surveyors and engineers
in both the public and private sectors and their clients.
The Department of Labor has created a landing page with resources about the
Public Work Contractor and Subcontractor Registry. This page has information Please take the short time it takes to respond to their
on the law and a link to registration information. The registration information 11-question survey and watch the well done 45-minute
page provides instruction on the materials needed to register, the registration video describing the NTDE. You can access both through
process, and what happens after registration is submitted. For additional the QR code below. Your responses are critical to helping
information, the Department has created a Frequently Asked Questions page CO-OPS better understand the important role the surveying
and encourages outreach to the Department by those seeking clarification or community plays in this area and help them improve their
answers not available. educational outreach.
What does this mean for land surveyors? Thank You
The answer to this question will depend on the project and the capacity in
which the surveyor is involved. Any surveyor with questions should explore the Dave Doyle
Department of Labor’s resource page or reach out to staff at the Department to Base 9 Geodetic Consulting
share specific facts of the project and confirm. Notably, registration and receipt
of a Certificate of Registration merely puts you into the system (which can be
viewed by the public); if you anticipate bidding on projects that are covered by
the prevailing wage rules, you may want to proactively register so you are ready
for any bid submission requirements.
[ classified ]
HYDROGRAPHER chance! Prudent Engineering is looking for entry level through
party chief hydrographers! In simple terms, the survey vessel
Organization: Prudent Engineering is just a version of the survey rod. $22 to $45 per hour (based
Location: East Syracuse, NY on experience).
Type of Position: Full-Time
Education Req’d:Associate’s Qualifications:
Experience Req’d: 1-2 years • Strong understanding of geodesy
Are you a land surveyor that is sick of deer ticks, poison ivy, • Hypack experience a plus
angry property owners and working in the rain/snow? Do • Boating experience required
you have a love for boating? Have you considered combining To apply contact Scott Waite at
your passion for surveying and love for boating? Now is the Or visit