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Congratulations NYSAPLS Officers 2025                           CNYSLS Holiday Party
               President – Jeremy E. Thompson, LS                              The Central New  York Society  of Land
                                                                               Surveyors (CNYSLS) recently held their
               Executive Vice President – Steven J. Willard, LS
                                                                               Annual Holiday Party on Thursday, December
               Vice President – Scott A. Gillis, LS                            5th at Jake Hafner’s Restaurant & Tavern in
               Treasurer – Scott B. Allen, LS                                  North Syracuse, NY. During the meeting, they
                                                                               enjoyed a presentation given by Mike Hyman
               Secretary – William R. Eggers, LS                               from Carlson Software.
               Executive Director – Daniel E. Marvin, LS
               Please join us on Thursday, January 23rd at 7:00pm for                    This fantastic program is a weekly
               our Surveyors Social & Officer Celebration Dinner to help                 Zoom meeting featuring live
               celebrate another year of great leadership and camaraderie                Q&A’s on your favorite surveying
               amongst your fellow members. The dinner will be held                      topics. Every Monday, the forum
               during the NYSAPLS 66th Annual Conference at the                          is hosted by a rotating series of
               Turning Stone Resort & Casino, in Verona, NY. Dinner  guest speakers who are among the best in the surveying business. It
               tickets can be pre-purchased online  here and are also  serves as a weekly meeting room for anyone wanting to learn more.
               available at the door.                           Whether you are a freshman in college or a 50-year Professional
                                                                Land Surveyor, we all have questions or we want help with that
                        DHLSA Holds Annual Christmas Party      second opinion:
                        The Delaware Hudson Land Surveyors                               A bi-weekly virtual roundtable
                        Association (DHLSA) held their Annual                            discussion to go over a chapter at a
                                                                                         time from our “Surveying Bibles”.
                        Christmas Party on Tuesday, December 10 at                       The goal is for everyone to read a
                        the Olde Erie Pub in Middletown, NY with                         chapter of a book and then have
                        close to 50 surveyors, friends and family!   a discussion. All sessions are recorded and saved on the Wisdom
                        As usual, the food was great and the cake,   Wednesdays website.
                        prepared by  Vice President Steve Green’s
                        friend, was awesome! The highlight was the
                        raffle with over 20 prizes including Visa Gift           Did you know NSPS has a Stolen
                        Cards,  Yeti  Travel Mugs and winter jackets             Equipment Registry?
                        with the DHLSA Logo on them! The 50/50                   You can view the current registry at
                        winner was Tom Steed who won $186.             
                        A very special shout out to our Treasurer, Gary  To report stolen equipment, please provide the following
                        Rich, and his wife Sue. Not only have they  information by email to
                        handled DHLSA’s dinner meetings, along with   1.  Description of Instruments including Serial Number
                        the raffles, prizes and Annual Christmas Party,   2.  Location where equipment was stolen, include nearest
                        but Gary also travels to Connecticut to pick   Town and State
                        out the apparel and pick them up each year on   3.  Date stolen
                        his own. Thank you, Gary and Sue!       4.  Contact person to provide information, include phone
                                                                   and/or email
                        The only business was the election of the 2025
                        officers. They are:
                                                                Are You Missing Out on Potential Clients?
                        President: Donald R. Stedge, L.S.                                          Did you know our
                        1st Vice President: Steven J. Green, L.S.                                  “Find a Surveyor”
                        2nd Vice President: James Clearwater, L.S.                                 search feature is our
                        Treasurer: Gary R. Rich, L.S.                                              most visited page on
                        Secretary: Joseph Baron, L.S.                                              our website? Help
                                                                                                   the public find you
                        Orange County Director: Brian D. Babcock, L.S.                             on our website by
                        Rockland County Director: John J. Bezuyen, L.S.            making sure  your member profile  is up
                        Sullivan County Director: Stephen P. Dolson, L.S.          to date. Login to verify your address, add
                                                                                   the type of work you perform and add
                        Congratulations to all the officers & directors!           your photo or company logo. If you need
                        Happy Holidays!                         assistance, contact our office. We’re happy to help!

                                            EMPIRE STATE SURVEYOR / VOL. 61 • NO 1 2025 • JANUARY/FEBRUARY   7
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