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meeting with the Strategic Planning Committee on December 4th to   membership committee has made a lot of progress on their strategic
        review their strategic charges and their progress. Overall, the   charges. The strategic committee suggested various ways the
        membership committee has made a lot of progress on their strategic   membership committee can move forward on some of their tasks.
        charges and the strategic committee suggested various ways the   Members can view more about our current strategic plan (2023-2025)
        membership committee can move forward on some of their tasks. The   and review each committees’ task progress at
        committee will meet again in the new year to review their discussion and   page/Strategic2023.
        start working on some new projects that relate to their tasks.  Workforce Development Committee: The committee is planning
          Minimum Technical Standards (MTS) Committee:  The    their next meeting. In the meantime, you can visit our current workforce
        committee joined the NYS Board for Engineering, Land Surveying and   resources page on our website here!
        Geology on December 5th to introduce the Minimum Technical   Young Professionals Committee: The YP Committee met at the
        Standards draft. The committee shared background on NYSAPLS, the   end of October to review their new goals and began brainstorming ideas
        MTS Committee and summarized the research they’ve conducted. They   to accomplish them. The committee also finalized a flyer that was sent
        plan to meet with the board for additional discussion after they review   out to all current associate members, highlighting the benefits of
        the document.                                          attending the NYSAPLS Conference. The committee then met again in
          LS PAC Committee: The committee continues to stay current on   November and December to finalize a Land Surveying Calendar that will
        their regular filings with the NYS Board of Elections. Regular reports   be sold at the NYSAPLS conference. The calendar features photos of
        are shared with the board of directors bi-monthly. You can also find   land  surveyors  in  various  aspects  of  their  daily  jobs.  Look  for  the
        the committee’s publicly filed reports on the NYS Board of Elections   calendars at the NYSAPLS bookstore during the conference, and later on
        website here. In the search by committee filter, type “NYSAPLS Land   the NYSAPLS website.
        Surveyors Political Action Committee”. If you are interested in making   In addition to our committees’ progress, many other important items
        a financial donation, please visit   were discussed at the November Board Meeting. You can find more
        They are also holding a fundraiser reception during the NYSAPLS 66th   details on the meeting in the secretary’s minutes on page 26.
        Annual Conference on Tuesday, January 21st at 5pm. Tickets can be
        purchased here.                                          Did you know?
          Nominations and Awards: The committee met on December 17th   You can find a copy of recent committee minutes on our website.
        to review the nominations received for the Pillars of Excellence Awards.   Each committee has a webpage with the last couple years of
        We’ll announce the winners very soon! Please plan to join us at the   minutes listed along with additional member references. You can
        NYSAPLS 66th Annual Conference to congratulate the winners along   view the committee pages from our homepage  About Us 
        with our scholarship winners and the newest faces of the Land Surveying   Committees. In addition, I post an overview of committee updates
        Profession. The Awards Ceremony will be held on Wednesday, January   in our news section of our website monthly.
        22nd at 1:00pm at the Turning Stone Resort and Casino in Verona, NY.
                                                                 Are you interested in becoming more actively involved? We are
          Public Relations: The committee met on October 10th, October   looking for members to share their “stories” and help us promote the
        31st and December 5th. The committee is working on two posters to   profession. Did you company recently work on an interesting project?
        be sent to town officials in order to prevent unlicensed surveyors and   Did your regional get together to help out the community? Did your son
        homeowners from filing fraudulent survey maps. The committee has   or daughter earn a Surveying Merit Badge? Are you mentoring a student?
        finalized their draft and have shared it with legal counsel and the   Help us get out the word on how land surveying is important to the
        Government Relations Committee for review. The PR Committee plans   community! Contact Heather Schultz to share your news, heather@
        to have the posters designed and printed for the Association of Towns .
        Conference in February. In addition, the committee, along with our PR   PS - Want to see your article published in our member magazine?
        Firm, The Martin Group, have been working on promoting digital   Email me your ideas,
        access to public land records with the Government Relations
        Committee. A draft letter to the public has been created, and letters to   Thank you!
        editors have been drafted. In addition, the committee has begun
        working on ideas for promoting National Surveyors Week. The
        committee plans to meet again, in person, at the conference to discuss
        their strategic charge: Develop an action plan to improve the economic   Amber Carpenter
        welfare of land surveyors.                             Managing Director

          Strategic Planning Committee: The committee met with members
        of the Membership Committee on December 4th. They the Membership
        Committee’s strategic charges and their progress. Overall, the
                                            EMPIRE STATE SURVEYOR / VOL. 61 • NO 1 2025 • JANUARY/FEBRUARY   5
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