Page 6 - NYS_ESS_01-2025
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[ message from
headquarters ]
Happy New Year! On behalf of the NYSAPLS Thursday Night Surveyors Social Event. The committee’s
Headquarters staff, we wish you, your family and staff a next meeting is scheduled for January 15th at NYSAPLS
happy and healthy 2025. HQ to stuff registration packages and help staff pack up
Save the dates! National Surveyors week (NSW) coming the office.
up in a couple months, March 16 - 22, 2025. Be sure Constitution and By-laws Committee: A ballot was
to visit our website, along with for emailed to all voting members to cast their vote on the
opportunities to participate in events to promote the NYSAPLS By-laws amendments presented at the
surveying profession as a whole. Surveyor’s week gives us November Board of Directors meeting. The polls will
the opportunity to introduce the newest generation to the stay open until January 24th, when the votes will be
surveying profession. tallied at the annual meeting in January. If you are a
Here’s the latest updates (as of December 19th) voting member and have NOT received your ballot,
from your NYSAPLS’ Committees, Board of Directors please email
and HQ Staff: Education Committee: The Education Committee last
Executive Board: The board held a virtual meeting on met on October 22nd and finalized the webinars for
December 19th. They reviewed the overall association’s February, March, and April of 2025. In addition, the
finances and received committee updates from several of committee finalized the details of the Virtual Spring
the committees (see committee updates below). Workshop (April 7-10, 2025), which is posted on the
Financially, the association is doing well with the conference NYSAPLS website. The committee will continue researching
approaching. The association’s investment account is also the details of planning and holding the Certified Floodplain
doing well. Vice President, Scott Gillis represented NYSAPLS Surveying Program in NY. The committee plans to meet
at the Rhode Island Society of Professional Land Surveyors again after the conference.
Annual Conference on November 22 in Warwick, RI. Ethics Committee: The committee met on December
Executive Vice President, Steve Willard, represented 12th. They reviewed the status and progress on their 8
NYSAPLS at the New Hampshire Land Surveyors Association open cases. A new complaint was also reviewed. Four
Annual Conference on December 5-6 in Manchester, NH. cases were closed. To view more details on the cases view
Both officers had great things to say about our neighboring the minutes on our website. The committee’s next meeting
states. The Executive Board’s next meeting is scheduled for is scheduled for January 3rd.
January 14th. Finance Committee: The committee has not met this
Board of Directors: The board held their last meeting month. However, all of the committee members are also
on Friday, November 15th. You can view the minutes of our members of the executive board which regularly review the
board meetings on page 26. Their next meeting is budget monthly with staff.
scheduled for Tuesday, January 21st and will reconvene on Government Relations Committee: The committee
Friday January 24th. Both meetings will take place during met on December 19th to further discuss their plans for
the NYSAPLS 66th Annual Conference to be held at the their upcoming “NYS Digital Public Record Access” round
Turning Stone Resort & Casino in Verona, NY. table. The event will be held at the NYSAPLS 66th Annual
Conference Committee: The committee met virtually Conference on January 21st at 2:30pm. The round table is
on December 16th. The committee reviewed the 2025 an open discussion with legislators, State agencies,
conference progress report and many details for the municipalities, Land Surveyors, GIS Professionals and
upcoming conference. They discussed the ongoing other stakeholders to further our vision of finding the
construction at the event center affecting the loading and funding and support to create or augment an existing
unloading process for exhibitors. Exhibitors will need to online platform that will store and provide access to digital
use a new loading dock and service elevator due to the records through a GIS system. The committee’s next
construction. The committee also discussed plans to meeting is TBD.
improve the plans for Student Networking Day. With Membership Committee: The committee met at the
meals included with every registration package, they are end of November to review their progress on their dues
eliminating all meal tickets, with the exception of the reminder phone calls. The committee then held a joint