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        Margaret McMenamin, PE, CFM           on several committees. He previously served   Harold R. Schultz, II, LS
        Margaret McMenamin is a Professional   the Society as President and Chairman of the   Harry Schultz is the Vice President of Waypoint
        Engineer with over ten years of experience   Education Committee.  Throughout his career he   Technology Group where he has worked for the
        in the environmental consulting and water   has worked for various engineering, surveying   past fifteen years. He is a licensed Professional
        resources industry. Since joining Wetland   and civil consulting firms, gaining experience   Land Surveyor with over 25 years of experience
        Studies and Solutions, Inc. (WSSI), a Davey Tree   in multiple facets of surveying, engineering and   using Trimble technology for high-accuracy
        Company, early in 2013, she has been involved   land use consulting. His diversified experience   data collection. He is also certified by Trimble
        in stormwater management, hydrologic and   has allowed him to work on projects that serve   to provide professional training for all of their
        hydraulic modeling, floodplain mapping, and   different market sectors including the general   Geospatial hardware and software solutions. At
        stream stabilization and restoration projects.   public, state and local government, private   Waypoint Technology Group, Mr. Schultz leads
        Ms. McMenamin is also the WSSI CAD Manager,   developers, public utilities and private utilities.   the survey sales team while also providing
        assisting all the Davey Tree Company’s Davey   Currently, Mr. Reeser, is the Director of Surveys   customized training, support, and consultation
        Resource Group (DRG), as well as working   at Hunt Engineering Company, based in Malvern,   services to their customers. Harry received
        in internal development and mentoring. She   PA.  He has been a frequent presenter of varied   his AAS in Land Surveying from Paul Smiths
        has been teaching the AutoCAD and Civil 3D   topics at the annual Pennsylvania Society of   College in the Adirondack mountains of NY.
        courses through Civil Training, LLC since 2019.    Professional Land Surveyors conference as well   Prior to Waypoint Technology Group, he worked
                                              as the New York Association of Professional Land
        JT Moore                              Surveyors annual conference. His expanding   for a large Survey/Engineering firm as a land
        JT Moore is the Deputy Commissioner for   list of presentation topics includes: writing   surveyor on projects all over the Northeastern
        the United States Section of the International   legal descriptions, communications in the   portion of the United States.
        Boundary Commission, United States and Canada   workplace, survey registration law, survey math,   James S. Thew, LS
        (IBC). With over 33 years of surveying, he started   professional ethics and historical subjects.  Jim is a 1991 graduate of the University of
        his career in the private sector in 1989 in Virginia                       Maine (Orono) with a Bachelor of Science in
        Beach, VA. He began his service with the Federal   Bahram Salehi, PhD      Surveying Engineering. He obtained licensure
        government in 1992 with the National Geodetic   Dr. Salehi is an Associate Professor of Geospatial
        Survey (NGS) spending 7 years conducting high   Engineering and Director of the American   in NYS as a Professional Land Surveyor in
        accuracy GPS surveys on airfields in support   Society for Photogrammetry and Remote   1996. From 1997-2005, Jim served as the
        of FAA programs. From there, he moved on to   Sensing (ASPRS) Unmanned Aerial Systems   Drilling Division Manager for Atlantic Testing
        the Department of Defense for another 7 years   Division (UASD), boasting over two decades of   Laboratories. In 2006, he decided that he would
        working for HQ Air Force Flight Standards Agency   expertise in geospatial engineering and remote   focus on growing the surveying company, Thew
        as a geodesist supporting air traffic control and   sensing across academia and industry. His   Associates, PE-LS, PLLC. Jim is now a former
        landing system evaluations. In 2006, JT joined   research focuses on machine learning, algorithm   Principal of Thew Associates, PE-LS, PLLC and
        the IBC where he oversaw field operations for the   development, and the application of multispectral,   continues to work in the profession. Jim also
        US Section and moved on to his current position   synthetic aperture radar (SAR), LiDAR, and UAV   serves as the chair of the NYSAPLS Government
        in 2015. In his spare time, he enjoys golf, fishing,   data for environmental monitoring, particularly   Relations Committee and as a member of the
        and playing music.                    in forest biomass and carbon quantification, and   Workforce Development Committee.
                                              wetland and water quality assessment. With
        Sean O’Connell                        more than 75 peer-reviewed publications and   Jeremy E. Thompson, LS
        Sean is the Data Improvement Manager for   book chapters, Dr. Salehi has garnered over   Jeremy Thompson, LS is, and has been, a
        NYS Geospatial Services and the NYS GIS   5500 citations and maintains a Google Scholar   Licensed Professional Land Surveying in New
        Clearinghouse Coordinator. He previously   h-index of 36 as of July 2024. He has supervised   York since 2007. Jeremy worked in the private
        worked in GIS roles for the NYS Department   numerous graduate and undergraduate students,   sector for 23 years, starting in the late 1990’s
        of Environmental Conservation and the NYS   including post-doctoral fellows, PhD, and MSc   with the US Forest Service in Petersburg,
        Department of Transportation. Throughout his 10   students, many of whom have achieved notable   Alaska; then for a couple of years with Atlantic
        years of GIS experience, Sean has had a focus   distinctions. Dr. Salehi’s contributions have been   Testing (eventually becoming Thew Associates)
        in emergency response, ortho-imagery, LiDAR,   recognized with prestigious awards such as   in Canton, New York; and for the better part
        web services, and data management. Sean is   the Early Career Achievement Medal from the   of 20 years with LaFave, White, & McGivern,
        also a member of the NYS Incident Management   Canadian Remote Sensing Society in 2019 and   L.S., P.C., (LWM) a medium-sized surveying
        Team and has deployed for incidents across NYS   an Outstanding Service Award from ASPRS in   and mapping firm based in northern Jefferson
        for various disasters including multiple wildfires,   2024, acknowledging his pivotal role in advancing   County, New York. Following his time with LWM,
        storm damages, and Lake Ontario flooding. He   digital geospatial data standards. In 2023, he   Jeremy accepted the position as Surveying
        has also been deployed to multiple out of state   was ranked among the top 3 scholars in remote   Instructor at the Ranger School in Wanakena,
        incidents, most recently for tornadoes in Kentucky.  sensing in the United States by ScholarGPS, a   New York, where he is currently in his sixth-
        Scott R. Reeser, PLS                  leading platform for analyzing scholarly activities.  year teaching Introduction to Land Surveying,
                                                                                   Survey Law, Advanced Survey Measurements
        Scott R. Reeser, PLS, has over 30 years of   Don O. Seals, RPLS            and Computations, and Computer Aided Drafting
        experience in surveying and design. Mr. Reeser   Don Seals is the Surveying/LiDAR manager for   and Design. Along with his teaching, Jeremy
        is a graduate of the Penn State University   TREKK company-wide acquisitions with direct
        Surveying Program, where he earned an   responsibility for nationwide mobile LiDAR   continues to provide consulting services and
        Associate Degree in Surveying Technology. He   services. Don has 16 years of land   perform limited surveys primarily during the
        has been a licensed Professional Land Surveyor   surveying experience on multiple   summer months. Jeremy has been an active
        in Pennsylvania since 2008, and also holds   large- and small-scale LiDAR        member with the New York State
        surveying licenses in NY (2012), WV (2013),   surveying projects using static     Association of Professional Land
        CO (2014), DE (2019) and MD (2022). He is an   and sUAS technologies.               Surveyors (NYSAPLS) for over twenty
        active member of the Pennsylvania Society of                                        years and is currently serving as
        Professional Land Surveyors, where he served                                        President of the Association.   19 19
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