Page 18 - 2025-Conference-Journal
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Laura E. Ayers, Esq. “Surveyor of the Year”. He is also a contributor Logan Campbell
New York Attorney, Laura E. Ayers, focuses her to xyHT and its predecessor Professional Logan Campbell is the Founder and CEO of
law practice on real property. Actively at the helm Surveyors as well as being listed in “Who’s Who Aerotas, which provides drone data processing
of her own law firm since 2010, Laura has over in Technology” and Who’s Who in the East”. Bill for Land Surveyors and Civil Engineers.
20 years of experience dealing with the special has taught numerous seminar programs at the He founded Aerotas in 2014 and has since
issues that arise in complex real property disputes high school, college and professional levels helped thousands of surveyors get the highest
and is often retained as special counsel or as an across the country for over 35 years. He holds quality data out of their drone programs.
expert witness. Laura is a frequent lecturer on a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Prior to founding Aerotas, Logan worked as a
various real property topics including Highway New Jersey Institute of Technology and a Master statistician in the financial services industry.
Law, Easement Law, and Boundary Line Disputes of Arts Degree in Corporate & Organizational Logan has an MBA from Harvard Business
for the New York State Bar Association, among Communications from Fairleigh Dickinson School, and received his undergraduate
others. Laura received her Bachelors of Science University. Now retired in North Carolina, he stays degree from USC. Logan is a Certified
in Biochemistry and Biophysics from Rensselaer active in business development for Davis-Martin- Mapping Scientist with the ASPRS, and a CFA
Polytechnic Institute and her Juris Doctor from Powell in High Point, NC and is an approved Chartholder. As a recognized industry expert,
Albany Law School of Union University. Continuing Education provider in his home state. he regularly speaks at survey and drone
Bill offers the students a professional blend of
Kevin Bagwell technical expertise, communication knowledge conferences, and writes in numerous land
Kevin Bagwell is the Supervisory Engineering and presentation skills for discussing issues in a surveying publications.
Technician overseeing all field operations for the clear and simple format. Thomas E. Cerchiara, Jr., LS
United States Section. This entails coordinating Tom is a Professional Land Surveyor with 24
with the engineering technicians on all aspects Richard C. Brooks, LS years of experience working on infrastructure,
of running the field office, providing oversight Richard Brooks, LS is a Land Surveyor licensed energy, and public works projects in New York.
and assistance for the projects assigned to and practicing in New York State and is a co- With over 12 years of drone and terrestrial
them by the Commissioners, and ensuring all presenter of the NYS-Specific LS Exam Review photogrammetry experience, he is an expert in
administrative responsibilities are completed to Workshop. Licensed in 1984, he is a Senior
accomplish the work. Kevin has worked with the Project Manager for Control Point Associates, collecting and processing data to achieve the
International Boundary Commission (IBC) for 17 Inc., PC. Formerly he was Vice President of best possible results. Tom has long been an
years, which includes two years in charge of IBC’s Brooks & Brooks Land Surveyors, P.C. As a third- advocate for technologies that help advance
field office in Montana, and eight years in charge generation Land Surveyor, his family has been digital transformation with solutions that are
of the field office in Maine. Kevin has been in his practicing for 108 years. Richard has authored cost-efficient and easily deployable, including
current position for 7 years working from IBC’s 10 articles related to surveying matters for The photogrammetry, augmented reality, and
headquarters in Washington, DC. Before coming to Empire State Surveyor and is a frequent seminar computer vision. Currently, he manages the
work for the IBC, he was employed with the North presenter. He routinely presents continuing Customer Solutions Team for Pix4D in North
Carolina Department of Transportation for 13 years education programs to land surveyors, realtors, America, focusing on geospatial solutions in the
as a construction surveyor specializing in bridges and attorneys. He has developed over 18 titles infrastructure, utilities, and construction.
and other structures. pertinent to the Land Surveying profession. He Rowland Chen
Bruce Bartels served as an Adjunct Professor for SUNY Ulster’s Rowland Chen is the Monitoring Sales Manager
Bruce Bartels is the Geospatial Support Land Surveying degree program unit it was at Trimble and has focused on monitoring
Servies Manager with Waypoint Technology sunset in 2018. Richard is a member of the systems for structural health and geohazards
Group, an authorized Trimble Geospatial & Mid-Hudson Valley Land Surveyors Association for 7 years and has implemented and supported
Mapping Distributor that services New York, (MHVLSA), the NYS Association of Professional monitoring systems all over the world. Rowland
New Jersey, and New England. In his current Land Surveyors (NYSAPLS), the National Society graduated from the Colorado School of Mines
role, he coordinates all rentals and repairs as of Professional Surveyors (NSPS), the NYS with a B.S. in Geophysics.
well as provides training, tech support, and GIS Association, the Vermont Society of Land Elisabetta DeGironimo, GISP
sales assistance. Bruce has been working with Surveyors (VSLS), and the Surveyors Historical
Trimble equipment for 10 years including 8 Society. He is the New York State coordinator Lis is the Director of Geospatial Services with
years in the Survey Industry. for the national Certified Survey Technician NYS and Acting Geographic Information Officer.
(CST) program. In 2010, NYSAPLS honored him With over 30 years’ experience in both public
William E. Beardslee, PLS, PE, PP with their Surveyor of the Year award for his and private sectors, Lis has worked on GIS
Bill Beardslee is a licensed Professional Land exemplary contributions to the profession of projects in the U.S., Venezuela, Egypt, El
Surveyor, Engineer and Planner with over 55 years Land Surveying. In 2022, he was recognized for Salvador, and Mexico. She is a board member
of experience in the field of land development. his contributions to NSPS CST Program. of the GIS Certification Institute and an adjunct
He is known for his excellent presentation and instructor at SUNY Polytechnic in Utica. Lis is
writing capabilities, along with being one of the Caegen J. Burnett, LS the Executive Director, and a former member of
leading technical experts on land development Caegen Burnett is an owner at Rappa and the NYS Geospatial Advisory Council. She was
in the engineering and surveying arena. Bill has Burnett Land Surveyors, P.C. Licensed in 2022, formerly the national chairperson of the Esri/
made over 2,000 presentations on engineering he graduated from Paul Smith’s College in 2011 Wastewater/Stormwater GIS Users Group
and surveying projects to local and state agencies. with an Associate’s Degree in Land Surveying. and a director for the
Prior to his retirement, he was the owner and He is a member of the New York State NYS GIS Association.
Director of Engineering for Beardslee Engineering Association of Professional Land Surveyors
Associates in Sparta, NJ. Bill is the past president (NYSAPLS), National Society of Professional
of the New Jersey Society of Professional Land Land Surveyors (NSPS), and Mid-Hudson
Surveyors (NJSPLS) and that society’s 2006 Association of Land Surveyors (MHVLSA). He
currently serves as the Secretary for MHVLSA.