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        Real World Perspectives –               Thursday, January 23, 2025         Title Insurance and Boundary
        The Next Generation                                                        Surveys for Surveying Professionals
        NY LS/PE: 2.0; NH .50; VT 2.0; NJ 2.0         MORNING SESSIONS             NY LS/PE: 4.0; NH 1.0; VT 4.0; NJ 4.0
        Moderator: Jeremy E. Thompson, LS                                          Jeffery N. Lucas, JD, PLS, Esq.
        4:00pm – 6:00pm                       ASPRS Positional Accuracy Standards   8:30am – 12:30pm
        The Real World Perspective session is   for Digital Geospatial Data        The two most important documents relative
                                                                                   to the ownership of property may be the
        an interactive presentation between   NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ 1.5  Title Insurance Policy and the Boundary
        attendees and a series of panelists. The   Bahram Salehi, PhD              Survey. But what do these documents
        program is designed for both licensed   8:00am – 9:30am                    actually do for the property owner? What
        surveyors as well as technicians to   This 1.5 hr course presents a summary of   does the title policy actually cover and
        learn about opportunities and possible   the latest edition (Edition 2, Version 2) of   what doesn’t it cover? Does the survey of
        limitations or challenges within the   the American Society for Photogrammetry   the property create any assurances for the
        profession. This year’s panelists     and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Positional   landowner? What is the role of the ALTA/
        will consist of a series of younger   Accuracy Standards for Digital Geospatial   NSPS Land Title Survey? These documents
        professionals, some recently licensed,   Data developed based on academic and   and other related matters will be discussed
        some close to licensure, some technicians   industry consensus. The Standards are   in order to answer these and other
        with formal education and some        designed to recommend best practices,   important questions.
        technicians without formal education. The   methods, and guidelines for the use of
        session will be facilitated by the presenter   emerging technologies to achieve the   National Certified Survey
        to ensure the interaction stays relevant   goals and requirements set forth in the   Technician Accreditation
        and on schedule. Panelists will share their   Standards. The course will provide an   NY CE: n/a
        experiences regarding success in the   overview of general best practices and   Richard C. Brooks, LS
        profession as well as any limitations or   guidelines for field surveying of ground   10:30am – 12:00pm
        struggles that they may have had along   control points and checkpoints, mapping   Whether you are an active Certified
        the way. Attendees will be encouraged to   with photogrammetry, and mapping with   Survey Technician (CST), a technician who
        ask questions and share their experiences   unmanned aerial systems (UAS).  wants to be a step above your peers or a
        as well. The idea of discussing successful                                 business owner looking for a program to
        models for advancement as well as     Hydrographic Surveys: Surveying      instill professionalism in their technicians,
        challenges and limitations is to provide   Small Bodies of Water Using an   or just looking for another competitive
        attendees with the knowledge and ability   Unmanned Small Vessel           advantage to win a bid, this program will
        to develop strategies for success and   NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ 1.5  be of value to you. This awareness level
        to try to prevent perpetuation of poor or   Kenneth J. Fronheiser, PLS     program will introduce the attendee to the
        limiting practices.                   8:00am – 9:30am                      program history, the multiple career paths
                                              This session will provide a comprehensive   available to our technicians and the exam
        Federal Highway Administration        overview of hydrographic surveying,   application process. Testing techniques
                                                                                   will be explored, and attendees are
        Technology and Innovation Programs    specifically focusing on bathymetric   encouraged to bring a laptop to log into
        NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ 1.5  surveys conducted on small bodies of   and explore various CST informational and
        Thomas E. Cerchiara, Jr., LS          water using unmanned small vessels.   training sites. Attendees will participate in
        4:30pm – 6:00pm                       Participants will gain an understanding of   a discussion of the return on investment a
        The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)   the fundamentals of bathymetric surveying,   firm can expect by offering this program
        and DOT’s across the country are piloting   including its purpose, techniques, and the   to their survey and office technicians.
        innovative programs for 3D Engineering,   technology involved.             Sample questions will be reviewed, and
        BIM for Infrastructure, and Digital As-Builts.                             the answers worked through.
        These programs can have broad implications   Client Communications –
        for how survey data is collected, drafted, and   The Lifeblood of Business (Part 2)  Survey Monitoring – What’s New?
        stored during the preliminary and as-built   NY LS/PE: 4.0; NH 1.0; VT 4.0; NJ 4.0  NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ 1.5
        phases, as well as how data is delivered to   William E. Beardslee, PLS, PE, PP  Rowland Chen
        surveyors for layout and construction. They   8:30am – 12:30pm             10:30am – 12:00pm
        also offer new opportunities for surveyors   From the initial pre-proposal meeting to   Nearly every surveyor has performed some
        where our geospatial and 3D data collection   as-built completion, no technical skill or   kind of monitoring, whether they know it or
        experience is critical to the success of these   knowledge is as important to sustaining   not. By learning the common applications,
        programs. This class will review some of   business as the communication between   methodology, and best practices in survey
        the programs being piloted by FHWA and   the professional and the client. It is also   monitoring, participants will be able to
        DOT’s, their status, lessons learned, and how   required by the Standards of Practice and   leverage new technology and grow their
        surveyors can help these programs achieve   the New York Consumer Bill of Rights.  own services. Using real-world examples,
        their goals.                          *Attendees are not required to take Part 1    participants will be guided through designing
                                                                                   monitoring systems to meet project require-
                                              to take this session.                ments, as well as the pros-and-cons of
                                                                                   different monitoring technologies.  13
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