Page 19 - 2025-Conference-Journal
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        Kenneth J. Fronheiser, PLS            Brian J. Holder                      Civil Engineering, and Construction industries
        Kenneth J. Fronheiser, PLS is a professional   Brian Holder has over 20 years of experience   where he lectures, supports, and presents
        licensed land surveyor in the Commonwealth   providing utility mapping services in accordance   innovative solutions to the industry related to
        of Pennsylvania with over 17 years of land   with the American Society of Civil Engineers   Carlson Software products and services.
        surveying experience. During that time, Ken   ASCE/CI 38-02 and the ASCE/CI/UESI 38-22,   Jeffery N. Lucas, JD, PLS, Esq.
        has been responsible for a wide variety of   Standard Quality Levels, A, B, C, and D. Mr.   Jeff is a licensed land surveyor in Alabama,
        surveying projects including Topographical,   Holder has worked in all levels of service
        Boundary, Construction Layout, RTK/GPS, GIS   providers including Call 811, Private Utility   Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee. He is
                                                                                   also a licensed attorney in the State of Alabama.
        mapping, Bathometric, and Laser Scanning. Ken   Markout and Subsurface Utility Engineering   Jeff is a recognized expert in land boundary law,
        has worked for a variety of clients that span   firms throughout a variety of market sectors   riparian rights, and land surveying liability issues.
        from private, public, educational institutions,   including Municipal/DOT, Commercial Properties,
        and government agencies. In July 2014, Ken   Healthcare, Manufacturing, and heavy industrial   He has practiced land surveying throughout the
                                                                                   five southeastern states in which he is licensed.
        joined Keystone Precision Solutions (KPS).   properties. Mr. Holder has been an active   Jeff is also an author, columnist, lecturer and
        Since joining KPS, he is responsible for internal/  member of the Subsurface Utility Engineering   seminar presenter. He has authored three books
        external education, leading the growing KPS   Association since its inception in 2018.
        Support Team and working with customers to                                 on surveying, has over 100 nationally published
                                                                                   articles and over 30 titles in his seminar library.
        integrate the latest Trimble and Spectra Precision   Jeffrey Horneman, PLS, GISP  Jeff has presented continuing education seminars
        line of products.  Ken is a 1999 graduate of   Jeffrey Horneman has been working in the   at conferences from Alaska to Florida, from
        the Pennsylvania College of Technology with   survey/geospatial field since joining the U.S.
        degrees in Surveying and Civil Engineering. In his   Army Reserves in 1984 as a geodetic surveyor.   California to Nova Scotia, and most places in
                                                                                   between. More information on Jeff can be found
        spare time, he enjoys being outdoors, coaching   He attended the Defense Mapping School   at
        baseball and spending time with family.  (Now the National Geospatial-Intelligence
                                              Agency) in Fort Belvoir for geodetic surveying   Steven J. MacDonald, PLS, PE, CH
        Ian W. Garland                        and received continuing education at the U.S.   Mr. MacDonald is the Vice President of Energies
        Ian Garland is currently a Survey Technician   Army Professional Development Institute,   at S.T. Hudson Engineers and has 20 years of
        with Control Point Associates, Inc., PC. Ian   the Community College of the Air Force, and   experience performing terrestrial and bathymetric
        has over six years of experience in the land   various conference, acquiring more than 400
        surveying industry. His responsibilities include   continuing education credits in surveying,   surveying. Within this experience is over 13
                                                                                   years of field experience surveying nearshore,
        deed and record research, field preparation,   mapping, geology, GIS, and engineering. His   intra-coastal, and inland waterways above and
        project reconnaissance, data collection, photo   experience over the past 40 years includes   below the water surface. Mr. MacDonald oversees
        documentation, processing of field data,   surface and underground mining design and
        network adjustment, and preliminary boundary   permitting, boundary and topographic surveys,   the hydrographic and marine geophysical
                                                                                   division, completing projects in support of
        line determination. In addition, he is responsible   ALTA surveys, subdivisions, construction   energy, dredging, engineering, and emergency
        for preparation of projects for final mapping,   surveying, GIS creation, oil and gas wells and   response. He is constantly working on innovative
        preliminary map checking, and final field   pipelines, and consulting. He has worked with
        monumentation. Within the last year, he has   several small to large private engineering and   approaches to shallow water surveying.
        submitted his New York State Application for   surveying firms, as well as the U.S. Government  Daniel J. Martin
        Professional Land Surveyor.           (U.S. Army Reserves, U.S. Air Force Reserves,   Dan Martin has worked for the National Geodetic
                                              and as a civilian with the U.S. Army Corps   Survey since 2003 and has been the Northeast
        Eric Greppo, PE                       of Engineers).  Horneman retired from the   Regional Geodetic Advisor since 2015. As the
        Eric Greppo, PE is the Executive Secretary of   Reserves as a Master Sergeant with 24 years   Regional Advisor, he instructs local surveyors,
        the New York State Boards for Engineering,   of service. He currently works for the U.S.   state and municipal agencies, and the geospatial
        Land Surveying, Geology and Interior   Army Corps of Engineers, Pittsburg District, as
        Design since 2022. The State Boards for   the Deputy Chief of Real Estate/Chief of the   community at large, on how to use and preserve
                                                                                   the National Spatial Reference System and
        the Professions assist the Regents and the   Geospatial Branch for cadastral projects and   provides liaison between the National Geodetic
        Education Department on all aspects of   GIS base mapping. He also manages his own   Survey and the States of ME, NH, VT, MA, CT, RI,
        professional education, licensing, practice,   firm, Horneman Surveying, LLC.  Jeffrey resides
        and discipline for over one million licensed   in Natrona Heights, PA, with his wife Sharon of   NY, and NJ, as well as other federal agencies.
                                                                                   Prior to that, he worked in the Route Survey and
        professionals, in more than 50 health, business   32 years, living near his four grown sons and   Geodetic Survey sections of the Vermont Agency
        and design professions. Mr. Greppo holds a   two grandchildren.            of Transportation from 1988 through 2003 and
        BS degree in civil engineering, has been a
        licensed Professional Engineer in New York   Michael Hyman                 held the position of Geodetic Program Supervisor
                                                                                   for the Agency from 1999 through 2003. Dan
        State since 2007, and has over 20 years of   Mr. Hyman is the Regional Director at Carlson   is a Past President and Fellow Member of the
        engineering experience that includes private   Software Inc. for NY and PA. At Carlson Software,   American Association for Geodetic Surveying
        design consulting in land development and   Mike is focused on the Land Survey, Civil
        water resources, and engineering roles with   Engineering, and Construction market segments.   (AAGS), and an Honorary Member of the
                                                                                   Vermont Society of Land Surveyors and the New
        the DEC Bureau of Design and Construction and   Mr. Hyman is a 1991 graduate of Alfred State   Hampshire Land Surveyors Association.
        the Department of Corrections and Community   College with an A.A.S. in Land Surveying.
        Supervision technical services unit.  Additionally, his responsibilities continually got
                                              him involved in working with Land Surveying
                                              technology for both the field and the office. Now
                                              at Carlson Software for over 15 years, Mr. Hyman
                                              is involved at many levels in the Land Surveying,
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