Page 14 - 2025-Conference-Journal
P. 14


      Terrain Modeling from Survey           Wednesday, January 22, 2025          Education Summit
      Point Data                                                                  NY CE: n/a
      NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ 1.5        AFTERNOON SESSIONS             2:30pm – 3:30pm
      Margaret McMenamin, PE, CFM                                                 A round table education summit
      10:30am – 12:00pm                     International Boundary Commission,    meeting with an open invitation to New
      This class examines the creation of Digital   United States and Canada (IBC)  York State Licensed Professional Land
                                                                                  Surveyors, College Professors from ABET
      Terrain Models, or Surfaces, with an   NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ 1.5  accredited colleges, students and our
      emphasis on producing highly accurate   J.T. Moore & Kevin Bagwell          invited guest dignitaries from bordering
      models as efficiently as possible from   2:00pm – 3:30pm                    states, Canadian Provinces and the NSPS
      survey data. The class reviews the storage   This course will give a historic overview   leadership. Discussions focus on how we
      of survey point data in an external local   of the International Boundary Commission   as professionals can better educate our
      survey database, adding that point data   (IBC), its treaty mandate, and cover the   licensed members and the students (future
      to the Civil 3D  interface, and using that   field work that is involved in effectively    surveyors). The visiting dignitaries provide
      point data to create a surface. The class   maintaining the marked boundary   us with what their states have implemented
      will examine how breakline data can be   between the United States and Canada.  successfully to address the needs of
      created from point data and included in a                                   licensed land surveyors with technical
      Surface, using not only Civil 3D  tools but   Client Communications –       and/or regulatory issues and college
      from other solutions, including Carlson  and   The Lifeblood of Business (Part 1)  programs. The college professors provide
                                                                                  course offering and information gained
      SmartDraft . The course will also include   NY LS/PE: 4.0; NH 1.0; VT 4.0; NJ 4.0  from the students who have completed
      the assessment of surface accuracy and   William E. Beardslee, PLS, PE, PP  their internships and how licensed land
      surface presentation via styles.      2:00pm – 6:00pm                       surveyors could help improve the student
                                            Client communication starts with the   experience. Licensed Surveyors share their
      Survey Technology for Highway         laws and regulations applicable to the   unique experiences on boundary issues
      Risk Reduction                        surveyor, such as the Standards of    and working relations with the public
      NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ 1.5  Practice and the New York Consumer Bill   and regulatory agencies in the everyday
      Don O. Seals, RPLS                    of Rights. This course discusses these   world. Therefore, taskforce discussion will
      10:30am – 12:00pm                     responsibilities and legal issues prior and   include current legislative and regulatory
      Surveying for transportation can be   during a contract, as well as steps to take   issues affecting the profession. Attending
                                                                                  students will give us an insight into the
      hazardous and often driven by an      to protect against risk and what to do if   future from angles yet to be observed. We
      aggressive schedule. Technology tools   litigation occurs.                  will also explore what courses need to be
      for surveyors provide the tools to not only                                 offered to students to become licensed
      compress the schedule but make the    Ethics for the Geomatic Professional  professional land surveyors and what
      experience safer. This presentation will   NY LS/PE: 4.0; NH 1.0; VT 4.0; NJ 4.0   technical programming is needed for
      explore how implementing mobile LiDAR   Scott R. Reeser, PLS                current licensees.
      as part of your transportation approach   2:00pm – 6:00pm
      provides safer data acquisition beyond   Attendees will review published definitions
      industry standards thus reducing risk   of Professional Ethics, as well as
      for the entire project. We will dissect the   cultivate a group definition. The Canons
      technologies of mobile and aerial LiDAR   of Ethics published by the New York
      data collection combined with traditional   State Association of Professional Land
      boots on the ground surveying for DOT   Surveyors will be reviewed, as well as
      highway projects.                     ethical codes from other surveying and
                                            engineering professional organizations.
                                            Ethical requirements of the New York
                                            State Department of Education, as they
                                            relate to surveyors and other Geomatic
                                            Professionals, will also be discussed.
                                            Discussion on the development of surveyor
                                            ethics will be discussed. This session is
                                            geared toward group participation, the
                                            presenter will encourage participation by
                                            all attendees in a manner that encourages
                                            thought and exchange of ideas.
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