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         Wednesday, January 22, 2025          Understanding Subsurface             NYSAPLS Conference
                MORNING SESSIONS              Utility Engineering and ASCE 38-22   Welcome Keynote Presentation
                                              Standards                            9:45am – 10:15am

        NYS GIS Clearinghouse                 NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ 1.5  Join your fellow conference attendees
                                                                                   in this welcome presentation. Meet
                                              Brian J. Holder
        NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ 1.5  8:00am – 9:30am                     NYSAPLS leadership while learning
        Elisabetta DeGironimo, GISP & Sean O’Connell  Knowing the location of underground   what’s new and on the horizon for our
        8:00am – 9:30am                       utility lines reduces costs during design   association and annual conference.
        In New York State we are fortunate to   and more importantly during construction
        have a large and growing set of publicly   (hitting utilities during construction   The Last Mile – Final Push for New
        available GIS resources including datasets   results in work stoppage and possible   Datums, Progress, and What is Still
        and apps. The NYS ITS Geospatial Services   redesign, and usually at a significant
        bureau hosts the state’s framework data   cost). This course will discuss the   to Come
        program, the NYS GIS Clearinghouse, GIS   importance of utilizing Subsurface Utility   NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ 1.5
        Coordination Program, and a GIS web   Engineering best practices within the   Daniel J. Martin
        services platform. This training will expose   land surveying industry and provides a   10:30am – 12:00pm
        participants to framework data resources   detailed explanation of the Quality Levels   NSRS Modernization has, and continues
        and other available GIS data resources.   used to classify the reliability of utility   to be, a significant undertaking. In
        Framework data collections require    data on survey drawings.             addition to new paradigms related to
        partnerships, some with local governments,                                 datum definitions, it has also required
        and others with private companies. This   How Accurate are Drone Surveys –   NGS to rethink how we collect, process,
        program will describe Geospatial Services’                                 store, manipulate, and deliver data. In
        partnership strategies and vision. Finally,   and How to Prove it          this session, we will review the need, and
        participants will gain an understanding   NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ 1.5  status of the major projects associated
        of the benefits of connecting to GIS web   Logan Campbell                  with NSRS Modernization.
        services or using available apps which   8:00am – 9:30am
        removes the burdens of downloading and   Drones are used more and more in Land
        handling large GIS data sets while making   Surveying, but many questions about
        use of their content. The GIS Clearinghouse   accuracy remain. Especially in a world
        ( is the gateway to these   where inexperienced users often create
        programs, as well as data resources   bad data with drones, the actual users
        provided by many other agencies.      of drone data are rightly concerned with
                                              their accuracy. In this presentation, we
        Survey Reports                        will cover exactly how accurate drone
        NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ 1.5  surveys can be, how to get there, and   Bathymetric Surveying Methods
        Scott R. Reeser, PLS                  most importantly, how to measure and   and Applications
        8:00am – 9:30am                       prove it to data users down the line.  NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ 1.5
        This session will provide an overview                                      Steven J. MacDonald, PLS, PE, CH
        of a survey report. The typical parts of                                   10:30am – 12:00pm
        a survey report will be reviewed and                                       Bathymetric surveying in New York State
        discussed with the attendees. Reasons for                                  has many applications in a wide array
        the preparation of a survey report will be                                 of water bodies. Bathymetric surveys
        discussed, as well as the future value of                                  sometimes referred to as Hydrographic
        a well written report. The attendees will                                  or Fathometric surveys, play an essential
        be asked to share their uses and opinions                                  role in numerous aspects of the surveying
        of survey reports. The session is geared                                   profession: riparian boundary delineation,
        to be presented to experienced surveyors                                   safe navigation, engineering design,
        as a refresher on survey reports. The                                      volume computations, and environmental
        attendees will be encouraged to discuss                                    assessments. The course will help
        the usefulness of a report of survey and                                   attendees understand project specifications
        share their experiences with the group.                                    and equipment required to accurately and
                                                                                   safely perform bathymetric surveys in the
                                                                                   diverse waters of New York.
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