Page 35 - NYS_ESS_05-2023
P. 35
Bluesk y captur es sit es fr om
A lban y t o Buffalo ,
fr om W hit e P lains t o P la ttsbur gh.
W e r egular ly upda t e a libr ar y
of spr ing leaf- off imager y f or
y ear -r ound mapping .
Aerial Photography Topographic M apping Airport M ap ping LiDA R
BSUS008AD/M/0821 T he highly ac cur a t e and c ost - eff ec tiv e sur v ey solution.
Bluesk y off ers sta t e - of-the -ar t aer ial sur v ey ser vic es
using the la t est aer ial camer as and sensors . 800-359-8676 413-663-3489
P r o viding the Nor theast er n Unit ed S ta t es with aer ial phot og r aph y and
phot og r ammetr ic mapping pr oduc ts and ser vic es
w w w.bluesky -w or ld .us
M embers