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Registration form

        NYS-Specific Exam Review Workshop • September 5-6, 2025                      About the presenters:
        Register ONLINE now at OR complete this form today.                      Dr. Joseph  V.R. Paiva,
                                                                                                 is principal and CEO
        NAME: _________________________________________________________
                                                                                                 at  GeoLearn,  LLC
        ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________                          (
                                                                                                 which is an online
        CITY: ___________________________STATE: __________ ZIP: ___________
                                                                                                 provider of professional
        WORK #: (____)__________________  FAX #: (____)____________________          and technical education since February
                                                                                     2014. He previously served as a
        HOME #: (____)__________________  E-MAIL:  _______________________
                                                                                     consultant in the field of geomatics
                                                                                     and general business, particularly to
         Members                                                                     international developers, manufacturers
         By August 15 th                    After August 15 th                       and distributors of instrumentation and
          1st Time Attendee $379            1st Time Attendee $429                 other geomatics tools. In that role Joe
          Repeat Attendee $329              Repeat Attendee $379                   functioned as COO at Gatewing NV,
         Non-Members                                                                 a Belgian manufacturer of unmanned
         By August 15 th                    After August 15 th                       aerial systems (UAS) for surveying and
          1st Time Attendee $479            1st Time Attendee $529                 mapping during 2010-2011. He also
          Repeat Attendee $429              Repeat Attendee $479                   is a writer in many magazines and
                                                                                     journals and  has  been  on  the  “seminar
        Payment Method:                                                              circuit,” delivering continuing education
         Check or Money Order Enclosed (make payable to NYSAPLS)                    to geospatial professionals, as well as
                                                                                     technician and exam preparation courses.
         Please charge my    VISA    MASTERCARD    AMEX    DISCOVER
        Acct #: __________________________________________________________

        Exp. Date: ___/___ Verification Code: __________                                         Richard  C.  Brooks,  LS
                                                                                                 is  a  Land  Surveyor
        Signature:  _______________________________________________________                      licensed and practicing

        Billing Address:  ___________________________________________________                    in  New  York  State
                                                                                                 Licensed in 1984, he is
        Name as it appears on card: __________________________________________       the senior project manager for Control
                                                                                     Point Associates, Inc. at their Hudson
        Return this form along with payment to:
        NYSAPLS, 146 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12210                               Valley office. Richard has spent his
        Questions?Please call, (518) 432-4046, fax (518) 432-4055 Or email,  professional career in and around the

                                                                                     Catskill Mountain region.Mr. Brooks is
        NYSAPLS Event Cancellation Policy                                            a past president and current member of
                                                                                     the Mid-Hudson Valley Land Surveyors
        NYSAPLS will no longer issue refunds for event cancellations, but we have partnered
        with Allianz Global Assistance to provide cancellation insurance. Protect your registration   Association. In addition, he is a current
        by opting in for the insurance on your conference registration form. Get reimbursed up   member  of: NYSAPLS,  VSLS, NSPS,
        to 100% if you can’t attend this conference for a number of reasons, including covered   NYS GIS Association and the Surveyors
        injury, illness, inclement weather, traffic accidents and much more. What is the cost of   Historical Society. Mr. Brooks is also
        Event Ticket Protection for a registrant? The cost of the insurance coverage is 5.75% of   an  adjunct  profession  at  SUNY  Ulster
        the total registration cost. For example, if your registration totals $500, the price to   College, teaching Legal Aspects of Land
        protect your registration would be $28.75. This rate is determined by our 3rd-party   Surveying and Land Use Management.
        Insurance provider, Allianz Global Assistance. NOTE: This percentage rate cannot be
        altered. To purchase the cancellation insurance, you must submit your registration
        payment with a Credit Card online. No other payment options will be available for
        purchasing ticket protection. Register online at for more details.

                                               EMPIRE STATE SURVEYOR / VOL. 61 • NO 2 / 2025 • MARCH/APRIL   31
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