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[ minutes]
          [  NYSAPLS Annual Association Meeting • January 24, 2025

             Turning Stone Resort & Casino, Verona NY

          Meeting called to order at 1:06 pm by President Jeremy   Committees:            requirements for admission to the NCEES
          Thompson.                               Annual Conference   Absent              exam which appears to vary by state.
          Attendance:                             Nominations      Absent                 Also discussed the potential issues that
          Association Officers:                   Constitution/Bylaws   Absent            may arise with the upcoming education
          President        Jeremy E. Thompson     NSPS             Patti Brooks           requirement for licensure in New York.
          Executive Vice President  Steven J. Willard  Education   Jeremy Thompson       Annual Conference Registration Report
          Vice President   Scott A. Gillis        Public Relations   Lem Morrison        •  Amber Carpenter reported there were
          Treasurer        Scott B. Allen         Ethical Practices    Absent             742 registrants including 24 walk-ins.
          Secretary        William R. Eggers      Strategic Planning    Absent            Thirty-nine exhibitors with 53 booths
          Directors:                              Finance          Scott Allen            attended for the largest exhibitor showing
                                                  Young Professionals
          Allegheny Plateau  Absent               Govt Relations   Absent                 on record.
          Black River Valley  Absent              Workforce Development  Steve Boddecker  Annual Auxiliary Report
          Brooklyn         Lemuel Morrison        LSPAC            Steve Boddecker       •  Barb Marvin thanked the staff and
          Catskill         Jon Thompson           Young Professionals   Keith Burley      conference committee for a great
          Central          Timothy Coyer          Membership       Absent                 conference.  Auxiliary had 18 pre-
          City             Saeid Jalilvand, Lemuel Morrison   Ad hoc MTS  Absent          registrants with 3 no shows and 2 more
          Delaware-Hudson  Absent                 Member Guests:  Timothy Odell, Brian Magee,   registering at conference.
          Eastern          David Schmidt          Barbara Marvin                         The new slate of officers is:
          Genesee Valley   Absent                 Other Guests:  Gail Watson             President: Barbara Marvin, Vice President:
          Long Island      John Abruzzo                                                  Deb Guillon, Treasurer: Peggy Miller,
          Mid-Hudson       Nicole Kalicicki       I.   Call for New Business/Agenda Items:   Secretary: JoAnn Latourelle
          Mohawk Valley    Jeffrey Moore              •  President Thompson appointed Lem   Tellers Report
          Nassau Suffolk   Scott Gillis                 Morrison as the Tellers Committee.  •  Lem Morrison reported the results of
          Niagara Frontier  Absent                                                        the recent vote to approve the revisions
          Northern         Robert Marvin, Jr.     II.   Minutes of January 2024 Annual    to the association by laws. Out of 129
          Southern Finger Lakes  Absent               Meeting:  Motion made by Robert Smith   ballots cast there were 124 in favor, 4
          Southern Tier    Brian Bush                 to approve the minutes of the January 19,   opposed and 1 abstention. By this vote
          Queensboro       Absent                     2024 meeting, seconded by Dan Marvin,    the proposed revisions to the bylaws
          Westchester-Putnam  Absent                  all in favor, motion carried.       are approved.
          For 2025,  seven regionals and  two members of the  III.   Annual Meeting Reports
          executive board are required for a quorum (see Constitution   NESS/President’s Roundtable Report  IV.   Unfinished Business
          and By-laws Article V Section 1.3 for definition of quorum).   •  President Thompson met with presidents   •  none
          A quorum was present.                         and representatives of other states.   V.   New Business
          Trustees:  Patti Brooks, Steve Boddecker, Daniel Marvin,   Discussed recordings of maps and   •   none
                 Glennon Watson, Robert Smith, Marie Welch  Minimum Technical Standards. Next   Motion to adjourn by Lem Morrison, seconded
          Executive Director: Daniel Marvin             meeting at the New Hampshire conference   by John Abruzzo, all in favor, none opposed,
          Managing Director: Amber Carpenter            in December.                motion carried.
          Director of Operations: Absent              Education Summit Meeting Report
          Legal and Legislative Counsel: Absent       •  Dan Marvin reported the session was   Meeting adjourned at 1:35 pm.
                                                        very well attended, including about 30
                                                        students. There was discussion about

               [ minutes continued
            from January 21, 2025]

             NYSAPLS Board of Directors Meeting • January 24, 2025

          [Turning Stone Resort & Casino, Verona, NY

          Meeting called to order at 1:36 pm by President Jeremy Thompson.  •  Next years conference will be in Saratoga and will run from
          Attendance: Same as annual meeting                               Monday to Wednesday.
                                                                     Motion to adjourn by Bob Marvin, seconded by Bob Smith, all in favor, none
          I.   President’s report - Jeremy Thompson                  opposed, motion carried.
              •  Conference just keeps getting better and better. Be proud keep up
                the momentum!                                        Meeting adjourned at 1:41 pm.
                                                                     Respectfully submitted:
          II.   Unfinished business - None                           William R. Eggers, LS – Secretary
          III.   New Business
              •  Dan Marvin gives a huge thank you to the staff, Education Committee and
                Conference committee for all the work on producing a successful conference.

        34   EMPIRE STATE SURVEYOR / VOL. 61 • NO 2 / 2025 • MARCH/APRIL
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