Page 35 - NYS_ESS_03-2025
P. 35
• Emily reported that the new Vice Chair of SBELSG is Brian Holbritter, LS • Keith attended the National Future Farmers of America conference with
• Committee is working on the text of legislation for the new datum to be Promoting Land Surveying as a profession.
released by NGS. • Will be building on what the Workforce Development Committee has
LS PAC done this year.
Amber Carpenter • Planning to be a resource for those working toward licensure.
• no report VII. Unfinished Business
Membership The Orange County Clerk map filing issue was discussed at length. This is a
• no report larger issue than just one county. A motion to create an Ad-hoc committee
to research what is being done by various committees, study this and make
Minimum Technical Standards (ad hoc) recommendations was made by Steve Willard, seconded by Tim Coyer. The
Roy Garfinkel motion carried with one abstention. Gerry Emborski volunteered to organize
• SBELSG has the MTS documents and is reviewing that with the promise the committee.
of a meeting with our committee soon.
VIII. New Business
Nominations and Awards Pass the gavel
Kaleb Winters, Chair • Lem Morrison reported that the Brooklyn Land Surveyors Association has
• Thanked regionals for making nominations for awards.
been reactivated with 18 members.
• There are three Pillars of Excellence awards being presented: Lifetime • Steve Willard reported that Westchester Putnam is sponsoring the
Achievement Award to Steve Sehnert, Meritorious Service Award to Roy student lunches in honor of Art McLaughlin.
Garfinkel and Surveyor of the Year to Jason Peterson.
The meeting was recessed at 10:00 pm with plans to resume on Friday January
NSPS 24, 2025 at 1:30 pm.
Patricia Brooks, Chair
• Patti has been elected NSPS Treasurer, congratulations! Respectfully submitted:
William R. Eggers, Secretary
• The spring meeting will be held in Silver Spring, MD with the student
competition being held in Washington, DC.
• The committee is looking for a Young Professional representative from
NY. Keith Burley is willing to fill this position with assistance from others.
Patti made a motion to appoint Keith as the New York representative to
the NSPS Young Surveyors Network, seconded by Scott Gillis, all in favor,
motion passed.
Public Relations
Lemuel Morrison, Chair
• Will be making producing posters to be provided to Town officials. This
will be distributed at the NYS Association of Towns conference.
• Encouraged members to participate in Surveyors Week. Lem suggested
any regionals interested in participating in a National Surveyors Week
surveyors through the ages event on Wall Street in New York City to
reach out to him.
• New Year campaign will be New Year, New You.
• Working on a poster to be provided to municipalities with information on
what to be looking for on a survey map.
Strategic Planning
Tim Massi, Chair
• Committees are completing their goals from the strategic plan.
• Looking forward to the strategic planning retreat to be held in 2026.
Workforce Development Committee
• no report
Young Professionals
Keith Burley, Chair
• Have produced a calendar that they will be selling at conference.