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        President and CEO
        Jeremy E. Thompson, LS                  [ president’s message ]
        Executive Board
        Steven J. Willard, LS
         Executive Vice President                                June 14, 2024
        Scott A. Gillis, LS
         Vice President
        Scott B. Allen, LS                                       Spring is here!
        William R. Eggers, LS                                      It is that time of year again when the weather has finally
         Secretary                                               started to warm up, insects are thriving, leaves are open,
        Daniel E. Marvin, LS
         Executive Director                                      and surveyors are BUSY! For me, now in the primary role
                                                                 as Surveying Instructor at the Ranger School the spring
        Board of Trustees
        Robert R. Allen, LS                                      brings time for reflection. Reflection on the most recent
        J. Steven Boddecker, LS                                  graduates from our program, their successes in school
        Patricia P. Brooks, LS              and the opportunities for them in the future, reflection of past graduates and where
        Gregory J. de Bruin, LS, PE
        John R. Ennis, LS                   they are now, and reflection of the past year in the surveying profession as a whole. For
        Roy B. Garfinkel, LS                a couple of months in the spring and summer I am afforded the opportunity to jump
        R. Ronald Kreiling, LS
        Joseph G. Malinowski, LS            headfirst back into practicing surveying. Meeting with perspective clients, deed
        Daniel E. Marvin, LS                research, performing field work, analyzing the data, setting monuments, and drafting
        Daren L. Morgan, LS                 and preparing maps. As much enjoyment as I get from teaching and helping to develop
        Robert A. Smith, LS
        Edwin A. Summerhays, LS             the next generation of surveyors, I still truly enjoy practicing and learning myself. I
        Gary L. Thompson, LS                often think back to the days when I was working exclusively surveying, the stress and
        Glennon J. Watson, LS
        Marie T. Welch, LS                  pressure, the fear of making a mistake (that fear still exists and likely always will), all
                                            while needing to meet deadlines, and making sure the bottom line is met so bills can
        NYSAPLS Headquarters
        146 Washington Avenue               be paid. While there are many things that I don’t miss from working year-round
        Land Surveyors Building             surveying, there are several that I do, primarily the people that I worked with. While
        Albany, NY 12210                    no one knows what the futures holds, and I don’t know how long I will continue to
        518-432-4046                     teach and survey only part-time, I am so lucky and appreciative that I have found an                    opportunity that allows me to balance time and surveying. While this may sound like I
        Editor-in-Chief &                   am writing this to brag about my personal position, that isn’t my intent. My goal is to
        Managing Director                   encourage all of you to take a few minutes to reflect. Not only on what you are
        Amber Carpenter                   currently doing, but what you have done, what experiences have crafted you and gotten
        Director of Operations              you to where you are. Think about what you enjoy doing most. Think about why
        Heather Schultz                     surveying is your chosen career. When you remember why you are doing what you do,
                                            take the time to tell someone. Maybe your boss or co-workers, maybe an employee,
        Administrative Assistant            maybe the next generation, it doesn’t matter who. Just take the time to forget about
        Sharon O'Brien                  some of the challenges and focus on the enjoyable components of our chosen
                                            profession. “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your
        Affiliated Associations
        Allegheny Plateau Association of Profes-  life” – Mark Twain. While I would love for each and everyone of you to be able to say
        sional Land Surveyors | Black River Valley   you can go your entire career without working (according to Mark Twain), that is
        Association of Professional Land Surveyors
        | Catskill Area Association of Land Sur-  likely not going to be possible. But I truly hope that we are able to enjoy the most we
        veyors | Central New York Society of Land   can, while working the least that we have to.
        Surveyors | City Surveyors Association
        of Greater New York | Delaware-Hudson
        Land Surveyors Association, Inc | Eastern
        New York Society of Land Surveyors, Inc |
        Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association
        | Long Island Association of Land Surveyors
        Inc | Mid-Hudson Valley Association of
        Land Surveyors | Mohawk Valley Society of
        Professional Land Surveyors | Nassau-Suffolk   Jeremy Thompson, PLS
        Civil Engineers Inc | Niagara Frontier Land
        Surveyors Association | Northern New York   NYSAPLS President
        Association of Land Surveyors | Southern
        Finger Lakes Association of Professional
        Land Surveyors | Southern Tier Association
        of Land Surveyors | Surveyors Association
        of Queensboro Inc | Westchester-Putnam
        Association of Professional Land Surveyors
                                                  EMPIRE STATE SURVEYOR / VOL. 60 • NO 4 2024 • JULY/AUGUST   3
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