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Government Relations Committee: The committee met on May   Young Professionals Committee: The committee met on May
        31st. New York’s 2024 legislative session is coming to an end. After a   20th. Emily Whalen, Esq., NYSAPLS legislative counsel, joined the
        request from AIA was received, we provided a memo of support for the   meeting to inform the committee that the State Board has a committee
        statute of repose bill to the bill sponsors. The committee is working on   dedicated to Young Professionals and promoting the profession and is
        draft legislation to incorporate the new datum (and any future datums)   interested in meeting with the NYSAPLS YP Committee. Emily will set
        into legislation. They are also continuing their efforts towards   up the meeting within the next few months. The committee continued
        improving access to public land records. A beta GIS is being developed   their discussion for creating YouTube videos, highlighting niche areas
        by our committee with the assistance of the DOT providing crucial   of the profession. In addition, the committee discussed creating a
        records and data sources.                               flyer for Associate Members that focus’ on “Why you should attend

          Membership Committee: The committee did not meet this month.   Conference”. The committee plans set up a meeting with the Strategic
        The committee recently finalized its contract with Retrieve Technology   Committee to discuss the crossover tasks between the PR and
        as a new member benefit. You can now access technical CE courses,   Workforce Development Committees and their decision to work on
        study and training videos, and vendor-specific support videos through   these additional items.
        the NYSAPLS Online Education Portal. The committee plans to meet
        again at the end of July.                                 Did you know?
                                                                  You can find a copy of recent committee minutes on our website.
          Minimum Technical Standards (MTS) Committee: The        Each committee has a webpage with the last couple years of
        committee has not held a meeting this spring. They are awaiting   minutes listed along with additional member references. You can
        feedback from the NYS Board for Engineering, Land Surveying and   view the committee pages from our homepage  About Us 
        Geology on the draft that was provided in 2021.           Committees. In addition, I post an overview of committee updates
          LS PAC Committee: The committee continues to stay current on   in our news section of our website monthly.
        their regular filings with the NYS Board of Elections. Regular reports
        are shared with the board of directors bi-monthly. You can also find   A friendly reminder, your membership dues renewal invoice for the
        the committee’s publicly filed reports on the NYS Board of Elections   2024-2025 membership period has been sent. Please take a moment
        website here. In the search by committee filter, type “NYSAPLS Land   to renew your membership for another year either online or by
        Surveyors Political Action Committee”. If you are interested in making   mailing your payment to our office. In the meantime, if there is
        a financial donation, please visit   something on your mind or a professional matter we can assist you
        They are currently holding a promotion that offers a FREE   with, please do not hesitate to call our office.
        mug with a $40 donation or more. Check it out here.       I will close with another friendly reminder… as the warmer
                                                                weather approaches and you find yourself and your staff outside more
          Nominations and Awards: The committee has not met this month.   and more, be on the lookout for ticks. Be sure to check out page 28
        However, if you have someone in mind that may make a good officer or   for important info on identifying ticks, prevention and lyme disease
        award candidate in the future, please be sure to reach out to our office.
                                                                symptoms from our friends at the Central NY Lyme & Tick-Borne
          Public Relations: The committee met on May 16th to work on their   Disease Alliance.
        campaign to reach out to Town and City Plan Reviewers. The committee
        also reviewed items needed for members and committees to continue   Are you interested in becoming more actively involved?
        attending tradeshows and have been working with NYSAPLS member,   We are looking for members to share their “stories” and help us
        Luis Ramos, to translate some flyers into Spanish. In addition, they’ve   promote the profession. Did you company recently work on an
        purchased an additional table runner, plan on ordering more squish   interesting project? Did your regional get together to help out the
        ball giveaways and an additional pull up booth. The committee also   community? Did your son or daughter earn a Surveying Merit Badge?
        completed a new “Surveyor’s Corner” video – “Do I Need to be   Are you mentoring a student over the summer with an internship?
        Concerned About Property Damage with a Survey”, which is now posted   Help us get out the word on how land surveying is important to the
        on YouTube. The committee is scheduled to meet again next week.  community! Contact Heather Schultz to share your news, heather@
          Strategic Planning Committee: Members can view more about   PS - Want to see your article published in our member magazine?
        our strategic plan and review each committees’ task progress at   Email me your ideas,
                                                                  Have a safe and healthy summer!
          Workforce Development Committee: The committee met on
        June 14th. They reviewed their goals and continued their progress of
        assigning tasks and a timeline. They are currently focusing on creating
        an outline for volunteers who have enlisted to help with career fairs,
        school visits and more. The outline will include how to prepare, what   Amber Carpenter
        to bring, the resources available from the NYSAPLS office, talking   Managing Director
        points, and more. Earlier this year, they created a workforce
        development resources page on our website. Check it out here!
        Their next meeting is scheduled for July 17th.
                                                  EMPIRE STATE SURVEYOR / VOL. 60 • NO 4 2024 • JULY/AUGUST   5
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