Page 6 - NYS_ESS_07-2024
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[ message from
                  headquarters ]

                              Summer Greetings Members!                   finances and received committee updates from several of

                              I am drafting this message as I prepare our office to   the committees (see committee updates below). In
                            run without me for a couple weeks while I enjoy a little   addition, they discussed the building projects mentioned
                            time off with my family. My daughter will be finishing   above. Their next meeting is scheduled as a conference
                            kindergarten in a couple days and summer will officially   call on June 20th.
                            be in full swing!                               Board of Directors: The board met virtually on May
                                                                          17th. You can find the minutes of the meeting on page
                              The past couple months have kept Heather, Sharon and
                            I busy as we have been in spring cleaning mode at the   30. Their next meeting is scheduled for July 19th.
                            office. We’re making an effort to digitize our files to   Conference Committee: The committee met on May
                            minimize printing, save paper and money, and to allow us   31st. They discussed conference giveaway items and
                            to free up some storage space. We spent some time in   reviewed samples. Entertainment for the Surveyors Social
                            our dusty ol’ basement at HQ sorting through files,   was discussed, as well as the latest schedule and
                            making piles to shred/recycle or scan. In the process we   education grid. Their next meeting is scheduled for July
                            got rid of 50 cases of paper. We still have a ways to go,   19th. Save the dates! The 66th Annual conference will be
                            but each year we’ll be able to dig out a bit more. And,   held January 22-24, 2025 at the Turning Stone Resort &
                            moving forward, we are storing everything electronically   Casino in Verona, NY.
                            for easier access.                              Constitution and By-laws Committee: The
                              In May, our roof repairs were completed. The Shaw   committee met on May 29th. They have been meeting
                            Board had previously reviewed several proposals late   regularly over the past couple of months to work on two
                            last year when we discovered a leak on the 3rd floor. In   projects. They are drafting amendments to the current
                            addition, we had an ongoing leak on the 1st floor due to   NYSAPLS by-laws after the Membership committee asked
                            a 2nd floor overhanging roof that had poor drainage. A   them to review the Life and Retired categories. They are
                            new roof was installed there as well along with an   also considering drafting amendments to allow our
                            external gutter.                              officer election to take place electronically. The second
                                                                          project they are working on is an initiative to assist our
                                                         In mid-June, the   regional associations with their local by-laws. The
                                                       Shaw Board visited   committee has drafted a best practices document and are
                                                       our HQ building for   continually working on a regional by-laws template.
                                                       their annual spring   Education Committee: The committee met on June 7th
                                                       clean-up of the    to continue working on topic selections for the 2025
                                                       backyard courtyard.   conference. The committee also discussed upcoming
                                                       Thankfully, the    webinar topics and reviewed the attendance for the most
                                                       weather held while
                            “The Garden Gang” clockwise from top   we pruned, raked,   recent webinar and Spring Workshops. In addition, since
                            left: Diane Hess, Rodger Hess,                the GeoLearn website has been updated, the committee is
                            Patti Brooks, Richard Brooks, Scott   weeded and beauti-   working with GeoLearn to create new reports that shows
                            Gillis, Amber Carpenter, Glenn Watson  fied the courtyard. A   how many NYSAPLS members are using the site. The
                            big thanks to our Shaw Fund for taking such good care   committee will also be reaching out to Illinois Professional
                            of our building!                              Land Surveyors Association to discuss their online Survey

                              We are also rolling over to a new digital phone system   Technician Training Program. The committee will meet
                            later this June that will both save the association some   again next week to review the evaluations from the June
                            money and allow us to better serve our members whether   webinar and Spring Workshops, in addition to continuing
                            we are in the office, traveling for an event or working   to work on the 2025 Conference grid.
                            remotely. We hope you are already receiving great service,   Ethics Committee: The committee met on June 6th.
                            but we’re aiming to improve our accessibility.  They reviewed the status and progress on their current 6
                              Here’s the latest updates (as of June 14th) from   open cases.
                            your NYSAPLS’ Committees, Board of Directors    Finance Committee: The committee presented a
                            and HQ Staff who are keeping busy with several   revised budget on May 17th to the board of directors.
                            ongoing projects:                             The budget was accepted unanimously. Thank you to our
                              Executive Board: The board held a conference call   directors for sharing the budget with your members and
                            on May 9th. They reviewed the overall association’s   providing feedback.

        4   EMPIRE STATE SURVEYOR / VOL. 60 • NO 4 / 2024 • JULY/AUGUST
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