Page 27 - Krugmans Economics for AP Text Book_Neat
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course material into a pedagogically appropriate unit that Advantages of This Book
is designed to be presented in one class period, with addi-
This book has all of the advantages found in the parent
tional class periods for activities, demonstrations, and
book as well as many new advantages unique to the AP
reinforcement, as needed. This organization takes teachers
and students through the required AP course material in a
sequence and at a pace designed for optimal success for ➤ Created by a Team with Insight. The team of authors
students in AP economics classes. for this project has a wealth of experience with AP eco-
nomics. This book is the result of extensive collabora-
Relevant Examples tion within the team as well as incredible support from
highly qualified AP content reviewers and accuracy
The Krugman and Wells textbook was lauded for its use of
checkers at all points along the way.
relevant and interesting examples to teach economic prin-
ciples. We have retained this approach and many of the
➤ Created Specifically to Meet the Needs of AP
examples from the parent book. However, we have modi-
Economics Teachers and Students. From the Table of
fied, added, or replaced examples to speak specifically to a
Contents through the supplements, this project is
high school audience.
specifically designed to meet the needs of AP teachers
and students. The outline of the book follows the AP
Practice for the AP Exam topic outline, the terminology in the book conforms to
Each module in the book ends with AP review material accepted terminology used in AP materials and on the
including sample multiple-choice and free-response ques- AP exam, and supplements provide everything new or
tions related to the content in the module. The multiple- experienced teachers and students need to be sucessful
choice questions are written in the style of the AP exam with in an AP economics course.
five distracters. Two sample free-response questions are
➤ Chapters build intuition through realistic exam-
included for each module, the first of which includes a sam-
ples. In every chapter, real-world examples, stories,
ple grading rubric. Providing the rubric helps students to pre-
applications, and case studies teach the core concepts
pare for the format of the AP exam and to better understand
and motivate student learning. The best way to intro-
how their responses will be graded (which will help them to
duce concepts and reinforce them is through real-
provide better responses on the exam). In addition, Module
world examples; students simply relate more easily
45 “Putting it All Together” is devoted to showing students how
to them.
to use the economic principles they have learned in macroeco-
nomics to answer comprehensive questions like the long
➤ Pedagogical features reinforce learning. The book
question typically found on the AP Eco nom ics Exams.
includes a genuinely helpful set of features that are illus-
trated and described later in the Preface.
➤ Modules are accessible and entertaining. A fluid and
The teacher and student supplements have been designed
friendly writing style makes concepts accessible.
by experts in AP economics to facilitate teaching and
Whenever possible, the book uses examples that are
learning. The instructor’s resources are comprehensive
familiar to students: choosing which college to attend,
enough to guide new AP teachers through their first years
paying a high price for a cup of coffee, or deciding where
of teaching AP economics but also provide unique ideas
to eat at the food court at the local shopping mall.
and suggestions that will help experienced teachers
enhance their courses. The student’s resources help stu-
➤ Although easy to understand, the book also pre-
dents through both the course and preparation for the AP
pares students for the AP exam and further course-
exam. All supplement materials are developed to adhere to
work. Too often, instructors find that selecting a
the AP course outline, goals, and testing format.
textbook means choosing between two unappealing
alternatives: a textbook that is “easy to teach” but
Economics by Example leaves major gaps in students’ understanding, or a text-
David Anderson’s Economics by Example has become a lead- book that is “hard to teach” but adequately prepares
ing supplemental resource for AP economics courses. Each students for the AP exam and future coursework. This
book is bundled with a copy of the Anderson book, and sug- is an easy-to-understand textbook that offers the best
gestions for how to use it in an AP economics course are of both worlds.
integrated throughout the text and the instructor materials.