Page 855 - Krugmans Economics for AP Text Book_Neat
P. 855

                                                                          SOLUTIONS TO AP  REVIEW  QUESTIONS

                b. When the unemployment rate is low, frictional        ings. ATM machines, for example, give customers
                  unemployment will account for a larger share of       24-hour access to cash in thousands of locations. This
                  total unemployment because other sources of unemploy-  reduction in the cost of obtaining money translates into
                  ment will be diminished. So the share of total unemploy-  lower shoe-leather costs.
                  ment composed of the frictionally unemployed will rise.  2.  If inflation came to a complete stop for several years, the
             2.   A binding minimum wage represents a price floor below  inflation rate of zero would be less than the expected in -
                  which wages cannot fall. As a result, actual wages cannot  flation rate of 2–3%. Because the real interest rate is the
                  move toward equilibrium. So a minimum wage causes the  nominal interest rate minus the inflation rate, the real
                  quantity of labor supplied to exceed the quantity of labor  interest rates on loans would be higher than expected,
                  demanded. Because this surplus of labor reflects unem-  and lenders would gain at the expense of borrowers.
                  ployed workers, it affects the unemployment rate.     Borrowers would have to repay their loans with funds
                  Collective bargaining has a similar effect—unions are able  that had a higher real value than had been expected.
                  to raise the wage above the equilibrium level. This will act  Tackle the Test:
                  like a minimum wage by causing the number of job seek-
                  ers to be larger than the number of workers firms are  Multiple-Choice Questions
                  willing to hire. Collective bargaining causes the unem-  1.  e
                  ployment rate to be higher than it otherwise would be, as
                  shown in the accompanying figure.               2.    c
                                                                  3.    b
                        Wage                                      4.
                        rate                    Labor supply            d
                                                                  5.    c
                          W U                                     Tackle the Test:
                                       E        Union-            Free-Response Question
                          W E
                                                wage              2. a. 0%
                                                                      b. You borrowed enough money to buy a couch and paid
                                                                        back just enough to buy the same couch (after inflation).
                                             Labor demand
                                                                        Therefore, you gained the benefit of the loan without
                                   Q D  Q E  Q S                        paying any real interest for it.
                                                    of labor
                                                                      c. Whoever gave you the loan lost. The loan was paid back
                                                                        after prices unexpectedly increased, so the lender received
             3.   An increase in unemployment benefits reduces the cost to  a real interest rate of 0% for letting you use the money
                  individuals of being unemployed, causing them to spend  for a year.
                  more time searching for a new job. So the natural rate of
                  unemployment would increase.                    Module 15
             Tackle the Test:                                     Check Your Understanding
             Multiple-Choice Questions                            1.    Pre – frost, this market basket costs (100 × $0.20) + (50 ×
             1.   a                                                     $0.60) + (200 × $0.25) = $20 + $30 + $50 = $100. The
                                                                        same market basket, post - frost, costs (100 × $0.40) +
             2.   c                                                     (50 × $1.00) + (200 × $0.45) = $40 + $50 + $90 = $180.
             3.   b                                                     So the price index is ($100/$100) × 100 = 100 before the
             4.   d                                                     frost and ($180/$100) × 100 = 180 after the frost, imply-
                                                                        ing a rise in the price index of 80%. This increase in the
             5.   e                                                     price index is less than the 84.2% increase calculated in
             Tackle the Test:                                           the text. The reason for this difference is that the new
                                                                        market basket of 100 oranges, 50 grapefruit, and 200
             Free-Response Question                                     lemons contains proportionately more of an item that
                                                                        has experienced a relatively small price increase (the
             2. a. Frictional. Melanie is between jobs.                 lemons, the price of which has increased by 80%) and
                b. Structural. Melanie is unemployed because wages are not
                  at the market equilibrium.                            proportionately fewer of an item that has experienced a
                c. Cyclical. Melanie is unemployed due to an economic   relatively large price increase (the oranges, the price of
                  slowdown (recession).                                 which has increased by 100%). This shows that the price
                                                                        index can be very sensitive to the composition of the
             Module 14                                                  market basket. If the market basket contains a large pro-
                                                                        portion of goods whose prices have risen faster than the
             Check Your Understanding                                   prices of other goods, it will lead to a higher estimate of
                                                                        the increase in the price level. If it contains a large pro-
             1.   Shoe-leather costs as a result of inflation will be lower  portion of goods whose prices have risen more slowly
                  because it is now less costly for individuals to manage  than the prices of other goods, it will lead to a lower esti-
                  their assets in order to economize on their money hold-  mate of the increase in the price level.
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