Page 869 - Krugmans Economics for AP Text Book_Neat
P. 869

                                                                        SOLUTIONS TO AP  REVIEW  QUESTIONS

             Module 39                                            Module 40
             Check Your Understanding                             Check Your Understanding
             1.   A country that has high domestic savings is able to  1.  Long-run economic growth is represented by an outward
                  achieve a high rate of investment spending as a percent  shift of the production possibilities curve. Short-run fluc-
                  of GDP. This, in turn, allows the country to achieve a  tuations are represented by a movement from a point
                  high growth rate.                                     below the production possibilities curve toward a point
             2.   As you can see from panel (b) of the figure on p. 382,  on the production possibilities curve (this shows an eco-
                  although it is important in determining the growth    nomic recovery/expansion) or by a movement to a point
                  rate for some countries (such as those of Western     farther below the production possibilities curve (this
                  Europe), the initial level of GDP per capita isn’t the only  shows a recession/contraction).
                  factor. High rates of saving and investment appear to be  2.  Long-run economic growth is represented by a rightward
                  better predictors of future growth than today’s standard  shift of the long-run aggregate supply curve. Short-run
                  of living.                                            fluctuations are represented by movements of short-run
             3.   The evidence suggests that both sets of factors matter:  equilibrium output (the level of real GDP at the intersec-
                  better infrastructure is important for growth, but so is  tion of short-run aggregate supply and aggregate
                  political and financial stability. Policies should try to  demand) above or below potential output.
                  address both areas.                             Tackle the Test:
             4.   Growth increases a country’s greenhouse gas emissions.  Multiple-Choice Questions
                  The current best estimates are that a large reduction in  1.
                  emissions will result in only a modest reduction in   d
                  growth. The international burden sharing of greenhouse  2.  a
                  gas emissions reduction is contentious because rich coun-  3.  a
                  tries are reluctant to pay the costs of reducing their emis-
                  sions only to see newly emerging countries like China  4.  c
                  rapidly increase their emissions. Yet most of the current  5.  d
                  accumulation of gases is due to the past actions of rich
                  countries. Poorer countries like China are equally reluc-  Tackle The Test:
                  tant to sacrifice their growth to pay for the past actions  Free-Response Questions
                  of rich countries.
                                                                  2. a.     Aggregate
             Tackle the Test:                                                level              LRAS
             Multiple-Choice Questions                                                                     SRAS
             1.   d
             2.   e                                                             P 2               E 2
             3.   a                                                             P 1          E 1
             4.   c
             5.   b                                                                                      AD 2
                                                                                                   AD 1
             Tackle the Test:                                                               Y    Y         Real GDP
             Free-Response Question                                                         1    P  Potential
             2.   Physical capital, human capital, technology, and natu-              Recessionary gap  output
                  ral resources play roles in influencing long-run growth
                  in real GDP per capita. Increases in both physical capi-
                  tal and human capital help a given labor force to pro-  b.  Aggregate   LRAS  LRAS
                  duce more over time. Although economic studies have        price           1     2
                  suggested that increases in human capital may explain                             SRAS 1
                  increases in productivity better than do increases in                                     SRAS 2
                  physical capital per worker, technological progress is                  E 1
                  probably the most important driver of productivity
                  growth. Historically, natural resources played a promi-
                  nent role in determining productivity, while today                               E 2
                  they play a less important role in increasing productivi-                          AD
                  ty than do increases in human or physical capital in
                  most countries.                                                                          Real GDP
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