Page 871 - Krugmans Economics for AP Text Book_Neat
P. 871

                                                                        SOLUTIONS TO AP  REVIEW  QUESTIONS

                       Exchange rate                                            Exchange rate
                       (euros per                                               (U.S. dollars
                       U.S. dollar)              Supply of                       per yuan)                   S
                                                U.S. dollars, S 1
                                                         S 2
                            XR 1           E 1                               exchange              E
                            XR 2              E 2                            rate    XR*
                                               Quantity of U.S. dollars       exchange                    D
                                                                                      0                Quantity of yuan

             Module 43                                                b. Placing restrictions on foreigners who want to invest in
             Check Your Understanding                                   China would reduce the demand for the yuan, causing
             1.   The accompanying diagram shows the supply of and      the demand curve to shift in the accompanying diagram
                                                                        from D to something like D . This would cause a reduc-
                  demand for the yuan, with the U.S. dollar price of    tion in the shortage of the yuan. If demand fell to D , the
                  the yuan on the vertical axis. In 2005, prior to the  disequilibrium would be completely eliminated.
                  revaluation, the exchange rate was pegged at 8.28
                  yuan per U.S. dollar or, equivalently, 0.121 U.S. dollars
                  per yuan ($0.121). At the target exchange rate of             Exchange rate
                                                                                (U.S. dollars
                  $0.121, the quantity of yuan demanded exceeded the             per yuan)                    S
                  quantity of yuan supplied, creating the shortage
                  depicted in the diagram. Without any intervention by
                  the Chinese government, the U.S. dollar price of the
                  yuan would be bid up, causing an appreciation of the                              E 1
                  yuan. The Chinese government, however, intervened to       Target
                                                                             exchange  $0.121
                  prevent this appreciation.                                 rate                 E 2
                                                                                                           D 1
                                                                                                          D 2
                                                                                                         D 3
                           Exchange rate
                           (U.S. dollars              S                                0               Quantity of yuan
                            per yuan)
                                                                      c. Removing restrictions on Chinese who wish to invest
                                            E                           abroad would cause an increase in the supply of the yuan
                        exchange  $0.121                                and a rightward shift of the supply curve. This increase in
                        rate                                            supply would reduce the size of the shortage. If, for
                                                                        example, supply increased from S to S , the disequilibri-
                                          Shortage                                               1   2
                                          of yuan   D                   um would be eliminated completely, as shown in the
                                                                        accompanying diagram.
                                 0               Quantity of yuan
                                                                                Exchange rate
                                                                                (U.S. dollars
                                                                                 per yuan)                  S 1
                a. If the exchange rate were allowed to float more freely, the                                S 2
                  U.S. dollar price of the exchange rate would move toward
                  the equilibrium exchange rate (labeled XR* in the accom-
                  panying diagram). This would occur as a result of the                           E 1
                  shortage, when buyers of the yuan would bid up its U.S.    Target                 E 2
                                                                             exchange  $0.121
                  dollar price. As the exchange rate increased, the quantity  rate
                  of yuan demanded would fall and the quantity of yuan
                  supplied would increase. If the exchange rate were
                  allowed to increase to XR*, the disequilibrium would be
                  entirely eliminated.                                                0                Quantity of yuan
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