Page 877 - Krugmans Economics for AP Text Book_Neat
P. 877

                                                                        SOLUTIONS TO AP  REVIEW  QUESTIONS

                          Price                                   3.    b
                         of butter  $0.20 of tax  $0.10 of tax
                        (per pound)  falls on  falls on producers  4.   d
                Price paid by  $1.40  consumers             S     5.    c
                consumers   1.30
                post-tax    1.20                                  Tackle the Test:
                            1.10                E
                            1.00                                  Free-Response Questions
                Price pre-tax  0.90
                            0.80                                  2.       Price
               Price received  0.70
               by producers  0.60                     D
                             0      6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14
                                         Quantity of butter (millions of pounds)
                                                                            P                                    S
                                                                                 Tax revenue         E
                                                                      Excise  P             DWL
             3. a. Without the excise tax, Zhang, Yves, Xavier, and Walter  tax  E
                  sell, and Ana, Bernice, Chizuko, and Dagmar buy one can
                  of soda each, at $0.40 per can. So the quantity bought     P                                   D 1
                  and sold is 4.
                b. With the excise tax, Zhang and Yves sell, and Ana and
                  Bernice buy one can of soda each. So the quantity sold
                                                                                                                 D 2
                  is 2.
                c. Without the excise tax, Ana’s individual consumer sur-
                                                                                         Q          Q          Quantity
                  plus is $0.70 − $0.40 = $0.30, Bernice’s is $0.60 − $0.40               T          E
                  = $0.20, Chizuko’s is $0.50 − $0.40 = $0.10, and
                  Dagmar’s is $0.40 − $0.40 = $0.00. Total consumer sur-  Module 51
                  plus is $0.30 + $0.20 + $0.10 + $0.00 = $0.60. With the
                  tax, Ana’s individual consumer surplus is $0.70 − $0.60 =  Check Your Understanding
                  $0.10 and Bernice’s is $0.60 − $0.60 = $0.00. Total con-
                  sumer surplus post-tax is $0.10 + $0.00 = $0.10. So the  1.  Consuming a unit that generates negative marginal
                  total consumer surplus lost because of the tax is $0.60 −  utility leaves the consumer with lower total utility
                  $0.10 = $0.50.                                        than not consuming that unit at all. A rational con-
                d. Without the excise tax, Zhang’s individual producer sur-  sumer, a consumer who maximizes utility, would not
                  plus is $0.40 − $0.10 = $0.30, Yves’s is $0.40 − $0.20 =  do that. For example, Figure 51.1 shows that Cassie
                  $0.20, Xavier’s is $0.40 − $0.30 = $0.10, and Walter’s is  receives 64 utils if she consumes 8 clams, but if she
                  $0.40 − $0.40 = $0.00. Total producer surplus is $0.30 +  consumes a 9th clam, she loses a util, decreasing her
                  $0.20 + $0.10 + $0.00 = $0.60. With the tax, Zhang’s  total utility to only 63 utils. Whenever consuming a
                  individual producer surplus is $0.20 − $0.10 = $0.10 and  unit generates negative marginal utility, the consumer
                  Yves’s is $0.20 − $0.20 = $0.00. Total producer surplus  is made better off by not consuming that unit, even
                  post-tax is $0.10 + $0.00 = $0.10. So the total producer  when that unit is free.
                  surplus lost because of the tax is $0.60 − $0.10 = $0.50.  2. a. The accompanying table shows the consumer’s
                e. With the tax, two cans of soda are sold, so the govern-  consumption possibilities, bundles A through C.
                  ment tax revenue from this excise tax is 2 × $0.40 =  These consumption possibilities are plotted in the
                  $0.80.                                                accompanying diagram, along with the consumer’s
                 f. Total surplus without the tax is $0.60 + $0.60 = $1.20.  budget line.
                  With the tax, total surplus is $0.10 + $0.10 = $0.20, and
                  government tax revenue is $0.80. So deadweight loss
                  from this excise tax is $1.20 − ($0.20 + $0.80) = $0.20.             Quantity of popcorn   Quantity of
                                                                    Consumption Bundle    (buckets)       movie tickets
             Tackle the Test:                                             A                  0                2
             Multiple-Choice Questions                                    B                  2                1
             1.   c                                                       C                  4                0
             2.   e
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