Page 882 - Krugmans Economics for AP Text Book_Neat
P. 882


        Tackle the Test:                                         b. The profit-maximizing quantity is 4.
        Free-Response Questions                                  c. The firm’s maximum profit is TR − TC = (4 × $14) − $56
                                                                   = $56 − $56 = $0.
        2. a.    Price
                                                              Module 59
                                                              Check Your Understanding
                  $10                          Demand
                                                              1.            Price,
                                                                            cost of                MC
                                                                             unit                          ATC
                                                                 At prices above P 2 , the firm
                                                                    operates with a profit
                                               Quantity                        P 2
           b. $10                                                   At prices above P 1  and
                                                                 below P 2 , the firm operates
                                                                 in the short run with a loss
        Module 58                                                              P 1
        Check Your Understanding                                 At prices below P 1 , the firm
                                                                   shuts down immediately
        1. a. The firm maximizes profit at a quantity of 4, because it is       0          Q 1  Q 2       Quantity
              at that quantity that MC = MR.
           b. At a quantity of 4 the firm just breaks even. This is
              because at a quantity of 4, P = ATC, so the amount the  a. The firm should shut down immediately when price is
              firm takes in for each unit—the price—exactly equals the  less than minimum average variable cost, the shut-down
              average total cost per unit.                         price. In the accompanying diagram, this is optimal for
                                                                   prices in the range from 0 to P .
        2.    The lowest price that would allow the firm to break even  b. When the price is greater than the minimum average
              is $10, for the minimum average total cost is $500/50 =  variable cost (the shut-down price) but less than the
              $10, and price must at least equal minimum average total  minimum average total cost (the break-even price), the
              cost in order for the firm to break even.            firm should continue to operate in the short  run even
        Tackle the Test:                                           though it is making a loss. This is optimal for prices in
                                                                   the range from P to P .
        Multiple-Choice Questions                                c. When the price exceeds the minimum average total cost
        1.    d                                                    (the break-even price), the firm makes a profit. This hap-
        2.    d                                                    pens for prices in excess of P .
        3.    d                                               2.   This is an example of a temporary shut-down by a firm
        4.    c                                                    when the market price lies below the shut-down price,
                                                                   the minimum average variable cost. The market price is
        5.    c                                                    the price of a lobster meal and the variable cost is the
                                                                   cost of the lobster, employee wages, and other expenses
        Tackle the Test:                                           that increase as more meals are served. In this example,
        Free-Response Questions                                    however, it is the average variable cost curve rather
                                                                   than the market price that shifts over time, due to sea-
        2. a.                                                      sonal changes in the cost of lobsters. Maine lobster
                Q          MC
                                                                   shacks have relatively low average variable cost during
               0                                                   the summer, when cheap Maine lobsters are available;
                            16                                     during the rest of the year, their average variable cost is
               1                                                   relatively high due to the high cost of imported lob-
                            6                                      sters. So the lobster shacks are open for business during
               2                                                   the summer, when their minimum average variable cost
               3                                                   lies below price; but they close during the rest of the
                            12                                     year, when the price lies below their minimum average
               4                                                   variable cost.
               5                                              Tackle the Test:
               6                                              Multiple-Choice Questions
                            24                                1.
               7                                                   e
                                                              2.   d
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