Page 625 - Geosystems An Introduction to Physical Geography 4th Canadian Edition
P. 625

Victoria 0 500
Brown Chernozem Dark Brown Chernozem Black Chernozem
Dark Gray Chernozem
St. John’s
Charlottetown Fredericton
(a) Soil profile from southern Prairies. Chernozemic landscape images associated with dry grasslands can be seen in Figure 18.13.
Edmonton Regina
(b) Distribution of the Chernozemic order in Canada.
for most of the agricultural surface cover in Canada, 14% of the total land area. The fertility rating for Podzolic soils is low to medium depending on acidity. The great groups in the Podzolic order are Humic, Ferro-humic Podzol, and Humo-ferric Podzol and include 25 subgroups.
Regosolic Order Soils of the Regosolic order are weakly developed as a result of a number of contributing
factors that include young materials, fresh alluvial deposits, material instability, mass-wasted slopes, and dry, cold climatic conditions. Regosolic soils lack Solonetzic, illuvial, or Podzolic B horizons (Figure 18.22, page 597), and do not exist where permafrost is within 1 m of the surface or within 2 m of cryoturbated soil. Regosolic soils may have L, F, H, or O horizons or a thin Ah horizon (less than 10 cm thick). Regosolic soils, which
Chernozemic Soil Order Map of Canada
Queébec OTTAWA
Chapter 18 The Geography of Soils 589
◀Figure 18.14 Chernozemic order. [(a) Courtesy of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, images/on/index.html. Reproduced with the permission of the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2012; (b) Thematic Soil Maps of Canada: Chernozemic Order, .html#context=soil-sol_en.xml, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada © 2010. Reproduced with the permission of the Minister of Public Works and Government Services, 2012; (c) Don Johnston/Alamy.]
(c) Hay rolls and prairie field with receding storm clouds, Strathmore, Alberta, Canada.

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