Page 736 - Geosystems An Introduction to Physical Geography 4th Canadian Edition
P. 736
I-2 Index
Atmosphere (Contd.)
climate models and forecasts, 335–337 clouds and fog, formation and types,
composition, temperature, and function,
15–18, 66–73
daily radiation patterns, 103–104 electromagnetic spectrum, 47–49 elemental cycles, 611–613
energy flow, 18, 40–41, 49–50, 60, 92–98,
104–107, 113
environmental lapse rates, 86
greenhouse effect, 98–101, 320, 328–331 human interaction with, 65, 84–85, 112 humidity, 186–190, 201–202
hydrologic cycle, overview, 244–246 lifting mechanisms, 209–216
ozone loss from, 74–75
pollutants in, 73, 76–85
radioactive forcing, 331–332, 334
sea ice melt, effects of, 91
seasons, overview, 51–59
stability, overview, 190–194
subsolar point, 42–43
troposphere, 99–103
urban heat islands, 90, 107–111, 136–137,
water properties and, 182–186, 279, 310
Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Models (AOGCMs), 335–337
Atmospheric circulation. See also Ocean circulation
Coriolis force, 148–150
friction force, 150–151 Geosystems in Action, 156–157 gravity and, 148
high- and low-pressure systems, 148, 149, 151–158
Human Denominator, 172
Mount Pinatubo eruption, 144
upper atmosphere circulation, 158–160 wind, overview of, 144–148, 162–163, 164
Atmospheric Environment Service, 220 Atolls, 514
Auroras (borealis and australis), 47, 67, 70,
71–72 Australian Desert, 297
Australian Shield, 387–388 Autotrophs, 607
Autumnal equinox, 55–59 Avalanche, 2
debris avalanches, 431, 442–443, 444 sand dunes, 520
snow, 534–535, 536–537
AWOS (Automated Weather Observing System), 220
Axial plane, fold, 390–391 Axial tilt, Earth, 54, 409 Azimuthal projection, 28–29 Azores High, 155, 171
Backscatter, 33 Backswamps, 473, 475 Bacteria
nitrogen fixation, 612–613 photosynthesis by, 607–608
soil development and, 572, 574, 577 weathering and, 430
Bahama Platform, 514, 515
Bajada, 474, 476
Baltic Shield, 387–388 Bar-and-swale topography, 473, 475 Barometric pressure, 146, 147, 154 Barrier beaches and islands, 511–513 Barrier reefs, 514
Barrier spits, 508, 509
Basalt, 352, 355, 356, 357, 362, 388–389 Base flow, 246, 461
Base level, streams, 459
Basin and range topography, 391–392,
394, 396 Batholith, 357, 358
Baumgartner, Felix, 65, 67
Bayou, 479
Bays and bay barriers, 503, 508, 509 Beach drift, 504
Beaches, 508–513
Beaufort wind scale, 147
Bed load, 464
Bedrock, 428
Benguela Current, 155, 289 Bergeron ice-crystal process, 194 Bergschrund, 544, 545
Bermuda High, 155
Biodiversity, 628–634, 660. See also
Terrestrial biomes Biogeochemical cycles, 611–613 Biogeographic realms, 642–644, 645, 646 Biogeography, defined, 606. See also
Ecosystems; Terrestrial biomes Biological amplification, 619
Biomass, 607–610, 617–619
Biomes, 17, 18, 282, 643–644, 645, 646.
See also Terrestrial biomes Biospeleology, 440
Biosphere, 15–18, 606. See also Ecosystems Biotic systems, overview of, 15–18 Bird’s-foot-delta, 477, 479
Bjerknes, Vilhelm, 212
Blackbody radiator, 48, 49, 60
Black carbon, 80, 85, 91, 97–98, 162, 283.
See also Particulate matter (PM) Black holes, 44
Black smokers, 360 Blizzards, 221 Blue holes, 448 Bogs, 627
Bolson, 394, 396
Borders, 3–4, 468–469
Boreal forests, 293, 648–650, 655–657 Borrego fault, 383
Boulders, 359
Boundary layer, 104–107
Brackish water, 494
Braided stream, 465
Brazil Current, 143
Brazilian Shield, 387–388
Breaker, 502
Breakwaters, 510
Breezes, 162–163, 164
Broadleaf mixed forests, 644 Bromine, 330–331
Brunisolic order, soils, 584–586, 599 Buoyant force, 190–194, 353
Cabo San Lucas, 6, 21, 22
Calcification, soils, 582
Calcium (Ca), 353, 434–435, 610–613 Calcium carbonate (CaCO3), 311–313, 321,
358–359, 434–435 Caldera, 412, 415–416
California Aqueduct, 256
California Current, 289
California Water Project, 256
Calms of Cancer and Capricorn, 155 Calving, glaciers, 537–538, 543 Cambrian Period, 349
acid deposition, 78–79 Arctic Oscillation (AO), 171
bedrock geology, 356
borders of, 3–4
carbon emissions, 330
caves and caverns, 439
climate, marine west coast, 287–289 drought, 252
earthquakes, 403, 404–405, 408 fog, days with, 199
fracking, 264–265
geologic age of, 350
geomorphic belts, 370–371 geothermal energy, 372–373 growing degree-days, 303 humid continental climates, 291 hydroelectric power, 255
lake effect snow, 210
landslides, 443, 444, 445
magnetic poles, movement of, 347 midlatitude cold steppe climate, 301 Pacific rainfall patterns, 215
potential evapotranspiration, 249 precipitation, annual, 248
record temperatures, 325
scarification, 423–424
sea level rise, 336–337
sinkholes, 437
subarctic climates, 291, 293, 294 sunshine variation, 104
temperature patterns, 122, 123, 126–129 tornadoes, 207, 226
Vancouver Island climate, 275–276 volcanoes, 413, 416
water resources, 253, 257, 261, 266 water runoff, 267
wildfires, 76
wind power, 166–167
Wrangellia terranes, 389
Canada Clean Air Act, 84
Canada’s Action on Climate Change, 324 Canadian Boundary Commission, 3 Canadian Geographic Information System
(CGIS), 35
Canadian Hurricane Centre, 226
Canadian Lightning Detection Network, 220 Canadian Pacific Railway, 2
Canadian Shield, 356, 387–388
Canadian System of Soil Classification
(CSSC), 582–599
Canadian Wind Energy Association,
142, 163, 167 Canary Current, 155, 289
Cape Verde, 42–43 Capillarity, 182 Capillary action, 182 Capillary water, 248–249 Carbon (C)
carbon budget, 320–324
carbon-climate feedback system, 321–323 carbon footprint, 11, 339
carbon sinks, 12, 321
elemental cycles, 17, 610–613
emissions, 85, 322, 337–338
food chains and webs, 613, 616–619 isotope analysis, 315–316
Mount Pinatubo, effect on, 613 photosynthesis, 608–609
tundra warming and, 296, 307
Carbonates, 355 Carbonation, 434–435 Carbon dioxide (CO2)
air pollution, 77, 82–83
atmosphere composition, 68, 69
carbon cycle, 12, 611–613
climate change and, 307, 308–310, 315,
328–335, 341–342, 515 dry ice, 183
emissions, 5, 68, 69, 85, 322