Page 744 - Geosystems An Introduction to Physical Geography 4th Canadian Edition
P. 744

 I-10 Index
Oxygen (O2) (Contd.)
Earth’s crust, 353
elemental cycles, 610–613
food chains and webs, 613, 616–619 isotope analysis, 311–313, 314
oxygen cycle, overview, 17 photosynthesis and respiration, 608–609
Ozone (O3)
atmosphere, 65, 67, 68, 71, 85, 100–101 depletion of, 72, 74–75, 85
halogenated gases and, 330–331
as pollutant, 77
tropical climate zone changes, 283
Pacific Coast, plate tectonics, 404–405 Pacific Decadal Oscillation (POD), 170 Pacific Gyre, 163–164, 165
Pacific High, 155
Pacific Ocean
continental crust formation, 389
El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO),
hot-spot island chains, 371, 374–375 island arcs, formation of, 397–399 ocean circulation, 163–168, 170 seafloor spreading, 366
subduction zones, 366
temperature patterns, 126, 127
water distribution, 244
Pacific Plate, 367, 368, 403
Pack ice, melting of, 325–326, 327, 558–561 Pahoehoe (lava form), 411–412 Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
(PETM), 313–315 Paleocene Epoch, 349
Paleoclimatology, 310–319 Paleogene, 349
Paleolakes, 555–558 Paleoseismology, 408
Paleozoic Era, 349, 400 Palliser’s Triangle, 241 Panamint Range, 394
Pangaea, 349, 363, 364
Parallel drainage, 458
Parallel (latitude), 20–21, 26–30 Parasitism, 620
Particulate matter (PM), 77, 78, 80, 82–83, 495, 513. See also Aerosols
Passive solar systems, 108–109 Patagonian batholith, 357, 358 Patch dynamics, 626 Paternoster lakes, 544, 546 Patterned ground, 552
Peak flow, 461
Ped, 576
Pedogenic regimes, 582 Pedology, 572
Pedon, 573, 582
Pennsylvanian Period, 349 Percolation, 246
Perennial streams, 460–461 Periglacial landscapes, 550–555 Perihelion, 45, 50–51, 53
Periods, geologic time scale, 348–349 Permafrost, 293
carbon feedback, 321–323 methane emissions, 330, 332–333 periglacial landscapes, 550–555 thawing of, 307, 323, 325–326, 327
Permian Period, 349
Peroxyacetyl nitrates (PANs), 77, 82–83 Persian Gulf, 131, 391–392
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs), 619 Peru Current, 168–170, 289
pH, soils, 579
Phanerozoic Eon, 349
Phase change, water, 183–186 Philippine Plate, 368 Philippines
Mount Pinatubo, 15, 19, 73, 97, 144, 320, 415–416, 613
typhoons, 226–235
Photochemical smog, 76–79 Photogrammetry, 31
Photoperiod, 621–622
Photosynthesis, 607–610, 612
pH scale, 78
Physical weathering, 430–432 Physiographic province, 394 Phytogeography, 642. See also Terrestrial
Phytoplankton, 321, 322–323, 608, 613 Pilocene Epoch, 349
Pioneer community, 624–626
Plains, as topographic region, 385–386 Planar projection, 28–29
Plane of the ecliptic, 54
Planetesimal hypothesis, 45
Plants. See also Climate; Ecosystems; Soil;
Terrestrial biomes
air pollution from, 73
carbon dioxide fluctuations and, 309–310 carbon isotope analysis, 315–316
as carbon sinks, 321, 322–323
climate change and, 605
energy conversion to biomass, 607–610 geologic time scale, 349
growing degree-days, 303
interception, 245, 246
Medieval Climate Anomaly, 318
species distribution, 619–627, 644,
transpiration, 245
tree rings, 316–317
urban heat islands, 107–111 weathering and, 430
wilting point, 248
Plastic, 350, 352–353 Plasticity, 576
Plateau basalts, 412–413 Plate tectonics
climate, effect on, 320
continental drift, 363, 364
crust formation and deformation, 387–396 defined, 363
earthquakes, 369–375, 401–410 geomorphic belts and exotic terranes,
Human Denominator, 418
ocean floor map, 382
orogenesis, 397–399
plate boundaries, 367–371
seafloor spreading, 363–366, 367 subduction zones, 366–367
tectonic cycle, 16, 348, 375–377, 388–389 tectonic uplift, 472
volcanic activity and, 369–375, 410–416
Playa, 394, 396, 474, 476
Pleistocene Epoch, 311, 317–318, 349, 400,
525, 553–558 Plough winds, 224–225 Plunging fold, 390–391
Pluton, 357, 358
Pluvial, 555–558
Podsolization, soils, 582, 596
Podzolic order, soils, 585, 588–589, 595, 599 Point bar, 468–469
Polar air masses (P), 208–209, 289
Polar climates, 277, 280–281, 295
Polar desert biomes, 659–661
Polar front, 158, 217, 218
Polar high pressure, 153, 155, 158
Polarity, molecules, 182
Polar jet stream, 156–157, 158, 160 Polar marine climates, 295–296 Polar tropopause, 67, 70
Polar vortex, 171
acid deposition, 78–79
air pollution, overview, 73, 76–83 anthropogenic pollution, 76–80 biomagnification, 619
Clean Air Act, 81, 84
dust dome, cities, 109
fracking and, 264–265
Great Lakes ecosystem, 633, 634 greenhouse effect, 97–98 human-atmosphere interactions, 84–85 landscapes, effect of, 81
marine debris, 163–164, 165
nitrogen excess, 613
oceans and coastal areas, 494, 495,
496–497, 515
selenium, 587
tailing ponds, 424
temperature inversions and, 81 tropical climate zone changes, 283 water, 259, 260, 262–265
wind, effects of, 80–81
Population, 8, 10, 265, 308–310
Potassium (K), 350, 353, 434–435, 610–613 Potential energy, 12, 93, 426–427
Potential evapotranspiration (PE), 247 Potentiometric surface, 258–260, 259 Powell, John Wesley, 459
Prairies, 241–242, 292, 659
Precambrian Eon, 348–349, 387 Precipitation. See also Climate; Terrestrial
biomes; Weather
acid deposition, 78–79, 432–435 aerosols, effect on, 97–98
air pollution, effect of, 162 atmospheric lifting mechanisms and,
carbon dioxide-weathering feedback,
321, 324
climate change, 135, 186, 328–335 climate classification and, 277, 280–282 cold and warm fronts, 212–216
dry climates, 181, 296–297
ecosystems, effect on, 621–622
El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO),
extreme weather events, 327–329 flooding and, 480–481, 483
global patterns of, 157, 276, 277, 279 groundwater and, 258–260
humidity, overview of, 187–190 hydrographs, 461
hydrologic cycle, overview, 244–246 karst topography, 435–440
lake effect snow and rain, 209, 210 mass-movement processes, 422, 441–447 monsoons, 160–162
orographic precipitation, 211–212, 213 surface water resources, 253–256 thunderstorms, 207, 221–225
water, properties of, 182–186
water budget, 246–251
winter storms and blizzards, 221
Predation, feedback loops, 12–13 Pressure, metamorphic processes,
360–361, 362
Pressure gradient force, 148, 149 Pressure-release jointing, 432
Prey, feedback loops, 12–13
Primary circulation, atmosphere, 151–158 Primary succession, 624–626
Prime meridian, 22–25
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