Page 746 - Geosystems An Introduction to Physical Geography 4th Canadian Edition
P. 746
I-12 Index
Sediment (Contd.)
glaciers, 541–544, 547–550
ocean cores, 311–313
rivers, 473–478, 479
sediment load, 463
stream channel patterns, 465, 468–469 transport of, 463–465
wind processes, 516–525
Sedimentary rocks, 355, 356, 357–360, 361, 362, 388
Seismic activity. See also Earthquakes California, 383
Canada, map of, 408
geothermal energy, 372–373 induced seismicity, 402, 405, 408 river dams and, 453
tsunamis and, 504–507 Seismic gap, 408
Seismic tomography, 350, 351 Seismic waves, 350 Seismometer (seismograph), 402 Selenium pollution, 587
Selkirk Mountains, 2, 370–371
Semiarid steppes, 280–281, 296–297 Semideciduous, 651
Semidesert biomes, 648–650, 659–661 Sensible heat, 70, 93, 106–111
September equinox, 43, 55–59
Sequential landscapes, 425
Sevier orogeny, 396
Shackleton, Ernest, 295–296
Shale, 264–265, 359, 362
Shear, 360–361, 362, 390–394, 395, 396 Sheetflow, 455
Sheeting, 432
Shields, continental, 387–388
Shield volcano, 412–413
Shiprock volcanic neck, 357, 358
Shortwave radiation, 49, 71, 72, 92, 98–107 Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), 384 Sial, 352
Sierra Madre Mountains, 397–399, 398–399 Sierra Nevada batholith, 357, 358
Sierra Nevada Mountains, 393, 396
Silicon (Si), 351, 352, 355, 357, 388–389
Sills, 357, 358
Silt, 359
Siltstone, 359
Silurian Period, 349
Sima, 352
Single-thread channels, 468–469
Sinkholes, 436–437, 438, 448
Sinuosity, 468
Slate, 362
Sling psychrometer, 189–190, 201–202 Slipface, 520, 522–523
Slopes, 426–430, 441–447
Small scale, 26
Smog, 76–80, 82–83, 95
Snow. See also Glaciers
albedos, 96
avalanches, 2, 534–537
lake effect, 209, 210
properties of, 534–535
snow dunes, 521
snow line, 123, 535
surface water resources, 253–256
Snowballing condition, 13 Socioeconomic drought, 252 Soda straws, 439–440
Soil. See also Terrestrial biomes
acid deposition, 78–79
air pollution, 73
as carbon sink, 321, 322–323 classification of, 582–599
density and porosity calculations, 601 desertification, 571
drought, 251–252
energy flow, 18
gelifluction and solifluction, 553
human impact on, 579–582, 600 hydrologic cycle, overview, 246 land-water heating differences, 124–129 lithosphere, 15–18
loess deposits, 525
overview, 568–569, 572, 574–579 permafrost thaw, 307, 323
pollution and, 587
soil colloids, 578
soil formation and profiles, 572–574
soil porosity, 578
surface energy budget, simplified, 104–107 weathering of rock, 428–435, 430
Soil creep, 443, 444, 446 Soil-moisture zone, 246–251 Soil science, defined, 572 Solar constant, 49
Solar corona, 46–47
Solar cycle, 46, 319
Solar energy. See also Temperature
coastal systems, 495–498
collection and application of, 105, 108–109 conversion to biomass, 607–610
Earth’s climate system, 278–279 energy-atmosphere system overview,
40–41, 45–51, 92–98, 100–104, 113 energy budgets, 112
geomagnetic reversal, 354–355 greenhouse effect, 98–101
natural fluctuations in, 319–320 radiation and temperature, 60 sea ice, effects of, 91
seasons and, 51–59
subsolar point, 42–43
surface energy budget, simplified,
troposphere, energy balance in, 99–103 urban heat islands, 107–111
Solar energy cooker, 105, 108–109 Solar flares, 46, 72
Solar irradiance, 319
Solar minimum and maximum, 46 Solar system, 44–45
Solar wind, 45–47
Solifluction, 443, 446, 553
Solonetzic order, soils, 585, 590–592, 596,
598, 599
Solstice, 43, 50–51, 55–59, 106
Solum, 574
Solution sinkhole, 436–437, 438
Solvents, 74
South American Plate, 368
South Atlantic gyre, 143
South Equatorial Current, 143, 168–170 Southern Cross, 21
Southern hemisphere. See also Atmospheric
circulation; Ocean circulation cold and warm fronts, 212–216 Coriolis force, 148–150 hurricanes, 232–233
midlatitude cyclonic systems, 216–220 temperature patterns, 130–134
water distribution, 243–244
Southern lights, 47
Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), 170 South Magnetic Pole (SMP), 347, 353–355 South Pole
climate, 55–59, 132–134, 295 energy budget, 102–103 insolation, 50–51, 106 latitude, 20–21
ozone hole, 74–75 sea ice melt, 91, 112 tropopause, 71
Species distribution. See also Terrestrial biomes
biodiversity, 628–634
communities and distribution, 619–627 invasive species, 641, 644, 646–647 richness, diversity, and similarity
calculations, 667–668 Specific heat, 124–129
Speed of light, 45
Speleology, 439–440
Speleothems, 317, 360
Spheroidal weathering, 432–435, 434 Springs, 258–259
Spring tide, 500
Squall line, 214–215
Staff gauge, 461
Stalactites and stalagmites, 317, 439–440 Standard line (or point), 28–29
Standard meridian and parallel, 28–29 Star dunes, 521
Stationary front, 217, 218
Steady-state equilibrium, 13–14 Stefan-Boltzmann Law, 60, 113
Stem flow, 245
Steppes, 296–297, 298–301
Stern, Nicholas, 339
Stilling well, 461
Stomata, 608–609
Storms, 221–225, 285–287, 461. See also
Hurricanes; Weather Storm surge, 229, 231
Storm tide, 229
Storm tracks, 217–220
Stoss side, 520, 522–523
Strain, 390–394, 395, 396
Stratified drift, 549
Stratigraphy, 348
Stratopause, 70, 71
Stratosphere, 65, 67, 70, 71, 100–101 Stratovolcanoes, 413
Streamflow, 246, 259, 267
Stream piracy, 463
channel patterns, 465, 468–469 defined, 454
depositional landforms, 473–478, 479 floods and river management,
478–484, 486
fluvial concepts, basic, 459–462 graded streams, 469, 472–473 meandering streams, 470–471 restoration of, 466–467
stream channel processes, 462–465 water distribution, 243–244
Stress, 389–394, 395, 396
Strike-slip fault, 394
Subarctic climates, 280–281, 289, 295–296 Subarctic zones, latitude, 21–22 Subduction zones
continental crust formation, 388–389 earthquakes, 407
map of, 369, 382
orogenesis, 397–399
relief and topography, 385
volcanic activity, 410–411
Sublimation, water phases, 183–186 Subpolar low pressure, 153, 155, 158 Subsolar point, 49–50, 55–59, 58
Subsurface water, 244–246
Subtropical high pressure, 153, 155, 156–157 Subtropical hot desert climates, 297, 298, 299 Subtropical jet stream, 156–157, 160 Subtropical zones, latitude, 21–22
Sulfur (S)
Earth’s core, 351
elemental cycles, 610–613 global temperature effects, 320