Page 2 - WCG Newsletter Spring 2021_Final.pptx
P. 2



                                 From Kylie

             Although it has been difficult times, we are      current COVID‐19 situation and we can assure
             focusing on our resident’s well‐being and         you, extra care is taken.
             interaction amongst themselves to keep them
             entertained.                                      We have recently introduced a new menu
                                                               with the assistance of family and residents
             New residents are welcomed by friendly happy      contributing to new ideas and suggestions.
             staff and a welcome card. They are introduced to   Our menus are assessed by a nutritionist to
             other residents and staff to make them feel at    ensure residents receive a healthy and
             home.  Meeting new friends and enjoying a meal    balanced meal.  I have never seen such a
             or a glass of wine together is very special for our   large menu giving residents so much choice.
             new residents.                                    It’s great to see that our desire is to provide
                                                               our residents with the best food and tasty
             Darrall, our Property Services Manager is doing a   dishes that they enjoy. They always have a
             magnificent job. ensuring our residence runs      choice.
             smoothly. With recent restrictions we have been
             allowing only essential and urgent contractors    We welcome Cassandra to the team.
             into the building, for the safety of all our      Cassandra comes to us with a wealth of
             residents but do not sacrifice security and       knowledge and has taken hold of the reigns
             comfort for all. Our air conditioners are         since she first started in July.  Cassandra is our
             maintained and serviced regularly to ensure       Client Services Coordinator and completes
             residents are comfortable at all times and with   many tasks throughout the day. She is the
             the recent very chilly nights and mornings, this is   main contact at reception for residents,
             essential. Our fire safety equipment is also      families and visitors and is happy to assist in
             serviced and inspected regularly.                 any way she can. Cassandra works efficiently
                                                               and effectively and always has time for
             We have recently purchased a domestic washing     residents and their requests. If you haven’t
             machine to ensure our residents most delicate     met Cassandra yet, may I suggest you give her
             laundry is taken care of. Our commercial washing  a call and introduce yourself.  We are always
             machines can sometimes be a bit harsh for         happy to chat with residents and their
             delicate items so now we ensure they are taken    families.
             care of. Our laundry staff are dedicated and care
             about what they do and how they contribute to
             the care and well‐being of our residents.
             I can honestly say the same for our
             housekeeping team that ensure residents; rooms    Kylie Basford
             are kept clean as well as the dining and lounge   Residential Services & Relations Manager
             areas. The team take pride in their work and
             never hesitate to assist residents in any way they
             can. Cleaning schedules have increased with the
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