Page 4 - William Cape Autumn Newsletter 2017_Final
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Health & Wellbeing
Benefits of a visit to Reflections
The spa industry has a history that dates back more than Treatments at Reflections look after your body from your
a thousand years and today it has evolved into a clinical face to your feet. Waxes, manicures and facials are some
concept. Hydrotherapy uses three key ingredients in of the few side dishes that come with this blissful main
providing you with a sound mental and physical course.
relaxation. These are heat, massage and buoyancy. The
word spa is derived from Latin phrases such as Solus per Physiotherapy and spas traditionally have not gone hand
Aqua and Sanitas per Aquam, which means health in hand, however in our Reflections Wellness Centre the
through water. Our stunning hydrotherapy pool is state of the art HUR fitness equipment from Finland
available for one‐on‐one physio sessions and aqua ensures the luxury continues right through to the
aerobics. equipment residents use. Did you know regular resistance
training has been linked with improvements in brain
Did you know hot water has the power to stimulate and function and dementia? Regular active based therapies
rejuvenate? It improves blood and oxygen circulation in have been shown to be the most effective way to
the body. Hot water therapy has proved to help people maintain wellbeing.
suffering from diabetes and arthritis. Hydrotherapy can
make sleeping patterns normal by reducing stress and Hair health is predominantly dominated by your diet!
other discomforts of the body. However, regular treatments, cuts and scalp massages is
key to ensure your hair is always looking its best.
A spa experience not only is healthy for your interior but Essential minerals, vitamins and fibre is key to optimum
also your exterior. Just like a body wrap increases health for all ages – Our dietician is available to walk our
metabolism, it also invigorates your skin. Most of these residents through the maze of do’s and don’ts as we work
wraps contain herbal compounds that carry many through the next stage of our lives! We look forward to
medicinal values. Body scrubs get rid of your dead and showing you around Reflections Wellness Centre.
weak skin cells, giving your skin a radiant glow.