Page 6 - William Cape Autumn Newsletter 2017_Final
P. 6

         What's Cooking

            Mac 'n Cheese

            2017 has started with the same fast                             What’s Cooking
            pace that 2016 finished with. Our
            latest residence Bayswater Gardens                              with Ashley, Group Executive Chef
            opened its doors on Valentine's Day.
            Executive Chef Walter and his
            enthusiastic kitchen team, have been
            very busy, ensuring their kitchen is    Ingredients                     set aside. Puree the
            ready to serve all their new residents.   *250g macaroni   *1 cauliflower   cauliflower with a little salt.
            Walter and his staff have done a        *1 onion, peeled & diced        Reserve half the puree. This
            fantastic job. Well done!               *1 tsp minced garlic            will be the sauce. Add the ¾ of
                                                    *¼ tsp ground nutmeg            the parmesan to the
            As Autumn and Winter are                *600 ml cream    *250 ml milk   remaining cauliflower puree.
            approaching, comfort food is usually    *½ cup grated parmesan cheese   Pour over the macaroni and
            the order of the day. One of my         *½ cup fresh breadcrumbs        stir thoroughly. Sprinkle with
            favourite dishes on our menu is Mac     *½ leek, washed, sliced finely   breadcrumbs and remaining
            'n Cheese with Cauliflower! I find this                                 parmesan. Drizzle lightly with
            dish is always a winner! My kids love   Method                          extra virgin olive oil. Lay the
            it too! I believe Mac 'n Cheese is on   Cut the cauliflower into very small   cauliflower florets on a tray
            the menu in the White House!            florets, keeping all the trimmings.   and drizzle with oil. Place both
                                                    Set the florets aside for later. In a   dishes in the oven. Bake at
            Cauliflower is at its best during the   pot, place the cauliflower      160C for 20 minutes. Sweat
            colder months and most of what we       trimmings, milk, cream, garlic,   the leek and remaining onion
            buy is grown in Victoria. In this recipe   nutmeg and half the onion. Bring   gently until soft and mix with
            it is prepared in two ways; pureed and   to a gentle simmer and cook for   the cauliflower. Place a small
            roasted. Both methods of cooking,       15‐20 minutes, until cauliflower is   amount of puree on the plate.
            bring out the natural sweetness.        very soft. Cook macaroni in plenty   Place a square cut of the
                                                    of boiling water, until soft. Drain   macaroni on top, then some
            Bacon or ham can also be added.         well (do not cool) and place into   roasted cauliflower mix on the
                                                    greased ramekins or a large     side. Serve with a nice winter
                                                    baking dish. Stir in a little oil and   green salad on the side.
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