Page 5 - William Cape Autumn Newsletter 2017_Final
P. 5
Guest Photographer
Meet Kathryn Zerk ‐ Our
Guest Photographer
“Taking an image, freezing a moment, reveals how rich
reality truly is." ‐ Anonymous
Kathryn was one of the first Her performing experience in
people we met in the the UK includes solo
Abbotsford community and we appearances at St Martin in the
were blown away by her Fields, Kings College Chapel
excitement and enthusiasm to Cambridge and with The
bring the arts and music to the Brandenburg Sinfonia
local area, turns out she is also conducted by Richard Bonynge
fabulous behind the lens! in the presence of HRH The
Kathryn moved to Sydney with Prince of Wales.
her husband and two children a
little over nine years ago, and Kathryn has also enjoyed an
she has cemented herself as an extensive career as a music
advocate for the local arts. In educator, teacher of singing and
2013 she won the Arts & Culture choral conductor. In Australia
Citizen of the Year award at she has been engaged for many
Canada Bay. years with the Australian Youth
Choir and has taught voice at a
Born in South Australia, Kathryn number of notable secondary
studied voice at Elder schools. Currently her latest
Conservatorium of Music and venture is Resident Director at
the Victorian College of the Arts. Canada Bay Community Choir ‐
Kathryn lived in London for our residents will be treated to a
many years and toured performance later in the year!
extensively throughout Britain.