Page 1 - LG Summer Newsletter 2023
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                                                                    LANSDOWNE NEWS


                                     By Jason Dick

          As we quickly approach the end of year, I would like to take the
          time to reflect on the dedicated and supportive team we have at
          Lansdowne Gardens who are going above and beyond for best
          resident care. As part of our appreciation to our staff members,
          we like to acknowledge two staff per month that embody the
          Cranbrook Care values. For the 2023 year, we would like to
          congratulate and thank the following staff who received a
          Standing Ovation Award and the value they represented.      Moira enjoying paint and sip

          - Agni: Caring                     - Alisha: Passion
          - Anne: Caring                     - Bindu: Passion
          - Daniel: Caring                   - Dikshya: Caring
          - Hitoshi: Connections             - Ioannis: Inspiration
          - Lilibeth: Passion                - Manisha S: Genuine
          - Rakshya: Passion                 - Rashmi: Passion
          - Regina: Passion                  -Saki: Connections
          - Sara: Caring                     - Shweta: Caring
          - Sonam: Inspiration               - Switzel: Inspiration
          - Sunil B: Caring                  - Vincent: Passion

          Whilst I was unable to appreciate all staff with a Standing
          Ovation Award for this year, from management and our
          residents, we would like to extend our thanks and appreciation
          to the team for their hard work and commitment to the role. I
          take great pride in working with such a dedicated team.

                                                                      Elise won third place in the sweep
          Jason Dick
          Director of Care Services
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