Page 8 - WCG Newsletter Summer 2021_Final.pptx
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Meet the Team
Meet Patrick Javier
Patrick is a Clinical Care Manager at William Cape and go back to being a nurse in theatre/post
Gardens. He arrived in Melbourne in late 2012 to do anaesthesia care unit, as these were his favourite
his Bridging Program, to be recognised as a areas while practising back in the Philippines.
Registered Nurse in Australia. One of the things he But he fell in love with the Central Coast, and with
noticed during his placements was that the hospital aged care, and has been here ever since!
nurses didn’t seem to be keen on getting any
admissions from nursing homes, especially those After work, Patrick’s life revolves around his loving
with cognitive impairment/dementia. wife (who is also an RN who does crazy hours), and
their two ‘kids:’ an 11‐year old rescue bearded
One day, there was an elderly lady who was dragon named “Beardie” (it was already his name
admitted who was calling out repeatedly from her when he was let go from his previous owner), and
bedroom a few times, and the RNs in the ward just 4‐year‐old female dragon named “Tickles.”
didn’t seem to have enough patience for her. Beardie’s fave are crickets, while Tickles loves her
Patrick was able to connect with the patient, as they super worms. On his days off, he and his wife tend
share the same choice of music. The elderly patient to their succulents/cacti collection, pigs out on
was into listening to AC/DC, while Patrick’s favourite food, and catches up on sleep!
genres are rock and metal! During the days that the
patient was in their ward, he would spend a few Patrick’s other hobbies include photography, he is
more minutes after his shift, to spend some time contemplating writing a novel (he did a Journalism
with her. (Fun fact: while other people may feel major before shifting to Nursing), and has also
relaxed listening to classical music/ instrumental recently started (and enjoying!) field archery.
music and such, his go‐to music to unwind and/or Like the other members of the management team,
sleep could include bands like Metallica, Rage Patrick has an open‐door policy, and is out on the
Against the Machine, and Tool.) After getting his wings during the day –so please free to see
registration in early 2013, initially, his plan was to him/talk to him, should you have any concerns!
move to Sydney with his relatives,
William Cape Gardens Pty Limited
40 Pearce Road, Kanwal NSW 2259
T 02 4392 4111 F 02 4392 4311