Page 4 - WCG Newsletter Summer 2021_Final.pptx
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           Health and Wellbeing
          10 Tips for Reducing Loneliness During the Festive Season

           There is a lot of pressure on people to enjoy           family and friendship and thank them for that.
           themselves during the festive season. The season is   5. Encourage your loved one to take part in the
           supposed to be merry and bright, but many older        holiday activities at the residence.
           people feel increasingly isolated and unhappy this     Entertainment and socialisation can bring joy to
           time of year—even before the coronavirus               people whose social lives have been significantly
           pandemic complicated everyday life and special         impacted by COVID‐19.
           occasions. Understandably, families are still
           concerned about how minimising COVID‐19 risk will   6. Encourage your loved one to connect with
           affect their travel and holiday plans with ageing      spiritual support if you think this can help. Our
                                                                  Leisure & Lifestyle team organises a number of
           loved ones this year.
                                                                  different spiritual supports at this time.
           1. Make a point of actively listening when your
              loved one wants to talk, even if the discussion is   7. Help them add festive touches to their room
                                                                  making sure they do not present a safety
              negative. An honest and empathetic
              conversation can help them process what is          hazard.
              bothering them, whether they are mourning a      8. Bring in some traditional baked goods or treats
              loss or coming to terms with challenges in life.    for your loved one that represent your holiday
                                                                  customs for your loved one to enjoy and share
           2. Remind them how important they are as a part
                                                                  with their friends.
              of your life, your family members’ lives and
              these annual holiday celebrations. They may      9. Consider getting together virtually. If you can’t
              feel useless or burdensome if they cannot           get together due to travel restrictions, book a
              contribute to or fully participate in the festivities   Skype appointment for everyone to connect.
              like they used to. Encourage them to do what     10. The most important thing you can do is to make
              they are capable of and be especially careful not   them feel loved and included this season is by
              to act like what you do for them is done out of a   simply spending time with them in a safe way.
              sense of duty.                                      Look at family photos, watch home videos or
           3. Ask family members and friends to contribute        holiday movies or listen to seasonal music. For
              cards, photographs or drawings to help keep         some, these traditions may need to take place
              your loved one upbeat. Help them write their        outside, via Skype, FaceTime or Zoom, or while
              own cards.                                          you social distance and wear masks. Regardless
                                                                  of what you decide to do together, any time you
           4. Help your loved one see that you are trying to
                                                                  can spare is a precious gift.
              simplify your holiday plans to focus on the real
              meaning of these celebrations. Remind them
              that they have taught you the importance of                                  Source:
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