Page 1 - WCG Newsletter Summer 2021_Final.pptx
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By Helene Zotter
Welcome to Summer! Which heralds the beginning of the
festive season. Christmas is fast approaching and I must
admit it is a time of year that I love, which will become
evident once the decorating begins. This year will definitely Joyce wearing her creation for Melbourne
be a year to reflect and to celebrate with family and friends Cup
after another year that brought with it many challenges.
It has been lovely to see the COVID restrictions begin to
ease and to be able to welcome families and friends back
to William Cape Gardens. I am not sure what brought more
joy to the residents –the return of the hairdresser or the
first bus trip. Both were definitely welcomed back.
We are continuing to expand the Leisure & Lifestyle
program at William Cape Gardens and are excited with the
addition of two large garden beds to Elm. The residents
have planted and are tending to a variety of vegetable Cyril with his new gardening gear
seedlings and herbs.
Each month we recognise our staff with a Standing Ovation
Award the recent worthy recipients are outlined on page 3.
As always –my door is always open, so please feel free to
come and see me if you would like to discuss anything.
James presenting the wreath at our
Remembrance Day Service
Helene Zotter
Director of Care Services