Page 3 - Lansdowne Gardens - Summer Newsletter 2018
P. 3

         Feature Article & News from Cranbrook Care

         Mavis Turns


         Lansdowne Gardens' resident, Mavis                   Cranbrook at Home is quickly becoming the Lower
         Sommerlad turns 100!                                 North Shore's provider of choice for private in-home
         On the 18th October, resident Mavis Dorothy
         Sommerlad, celebrated a momentous occasion,          October saw our inaugural breakfast presentation
         turning 100! Mavis, a resident at Lansdowne Gardens   showcasing us to a number of industry professionals
         since 2014, was acknowledged by the Staff, including   including financial planners, nursing agency staff,
         Sally Rule (Client Relations Manager) and was        home care providers and pharmacists. For those who
         presented with some celebratory gifts and balloons to   could not make it to the official launch, we met with
         mark the milestone.                                  them individually to share how our services are
                                                              making a difference in the lives of older people.
         Mavis herself, is a high-achiever; having attended the   Impressed with our new bespoke offering, these
         Sydney Church of England Girls' Grammar School       professionals have since made several referrals and
         (SCEGGS) Redlands and was a former Dux and Head      we are now delivering an exceptional standard of
         Prefect of her Senior Year.
                                                              private in-home care that is above the rest to our first
         Congratulations to Mavis. Mavis recently received a   clients. The clients and their families are telling us they
         very special visit from Felicity Wilson (MP for North   chose us because we can deliver the same high-
         Sydney), who visited on the 14 November to present   standard of care Cranbrook Care is known for in its
         flowers to her. Felicity is a member of the New South   residences. They are also saying that they like the
         Wales Legislative Assembly representing the electoral   added benefit of having exclusive access to the
         district of North Shore for the Liberal Party. She is a   lifestyle services at Lansdowne Gardens and are
         member of the Legislative Assembly Committee on      looking forward to attending events like the annual
         Community Services. Mavis was delighted to receive   Jazz on the Green. One client remarked, “I must
         the special visit and enthusiastically welcomed the gift   comment on your staff…They were all very good and
         of the flowers. Mavis is surely the "resident of the   allowed us to keep [our loved one] at home. Without
         moment" at present at Lansdowne Gardens.             them it would have been very difficult". We are off to
                                                              a good start and looking forward to continuing to
         Felicity Wilson (MP) pays a special visit to Mavis,   provide exceptional care to clients/families on the
                                                              lower North Shore.

                                                              Contact Tanya Austin on 02 9458 9950 / or Email:
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