Page 7 - Lansdowne Gardens - Summer Newsletter 2018
P. 7
Happy Birthday
We wish the following residents
a very Happy Birthday:
10 Dec Bill F.
19 Dec Anne M.
25 Dec Mary S.
26 Dec Laurel C.
28 Dec Mary D.
2 Jan Evan C.
5 Jan Isabell H.
Meet Lorita Rydge
6 Jan Maria S.
7 Jan Betty E.
Lorita was born in Brisbane, educated in the South Pacific Islands,
8 Jan Valerio G. where her father was working as an accountant with an oil company.
She loved the water and was an excellent swimmer, enjoying the
10 Jan Pamela R. tropical atmosphere of the islands. Her primary school education was
in the islands and secondary school education at the Sacred Heart
20 Jan John C. Convent at Rose Bay.
21 Jan Nola H.
After completing her schooling, she nursed for three years and then
22 Jan Elizabeth H. joined TAA as an air-hostess. In 1954 when Queen Elizabeth and Prince
February Phillip arrived in Sydney to open the Opera House, Lorita was chosen
to accompany the royal couple on their Australian Tour, as “their air
1 Feb Clive C. hostess”. Philip, learning of Lorita and Norman’s love of sailing offered
to take them sailing, should they ever visit Cowes, Isle of Wight. When
6 Feb Alex R.
Norman took their boat to Cowes in 1965 to fulfil his promise to Prince
7 Feb Bill W. Philip, the Prince took them for a sail on his board “Bloodhound” and
introduced Lorita and Norman to prominent people, including the son
8 Feb Michel G. of Baron Beaverbrook – Sir Max Aitken, who subsequently raced his
boat “Drumbeat” in the Sydney to Hobart Boat Race and when in
16 Feb Beryl W. Sydney took Lorita and Norman sailing. Lorita was a competent sailor
and accompanied Norman many times. On the land, her walking tours
20 Feb Warren N.
included walking from the Dolomites in Italy, west to Normandy and
24 Feb Ruth B. east to Poland.
26 Feb Gary M. Lorita is a great lover of music, very fond of Jazz dancing and at every
opportunity loves to sing. She is a member of the Lansdowne Lions
Choir Group and ardent supporter of all musical programs at the
residence. Lorita and Norman have been married for 64 years, a
romance that still endures. Lorita is a very happy and contented
resident of Lansdowne Gardens.