Page 6 - Lansdowne Gardens - Summer Newsletter 2018
P. 6



            Cherry Cheesecake

                                                                       with Ashley, Group Executive Chef

            The festive season is upon us and        Ingredients:                  Method for Cherry Sauce:
            cherries are a standout food that
            symbolises Christmas in Australia.       750g cream cheese             1. Bring all ingredients to a
            Their season is quite short (late        3 eggs                        simmer in a pot
            October – late January). The cherry      1 cup sugar                   2. Cook for 5-7 minutes
            auction is about to be held at the       3/4 cup sour cream            3. Add the cornflour, stir
            Sydney Markets (a charity event that     2 tspn vanilla essence        4. Remove pot from heat as it
            sees vendors at the markets bid for      1 tspn cherry oil or flavour   thickens
            the first box of the season!) The        1 tspn rose water
            health benefits of cherries include      500g cherries                 Method for Cheesecake:
            antioxidant and anti-inflammatory        250g digestive biscuits
            properties. With this new cheesecake     125g butter, softened         5. Place biscuits, butter, water in
            recipe if you can’t obtain fresh         15ml water                    food processor & pulse until
            cherries, frozen/tinned versions are                                   combined
            fine! Morello cherries can also be                                     6. Grease/line base of a baking
            substituted; giving the cake a real      Cherry Sauce:                 tray
            continental taste.
                                                                                   7. Press base into baking pan
                                                     500g cherries                 8. Bake @ 150° for 30 mins
            Wishing all of our residents, staff and   1/2 cup caster sugar
            families an enjoyable and safe           1/2 cup water                 9. Place remaining ingredients in
            Christmas and New Year.                                                a food processor, except cherries
                                                     1 tbspn cornflour, mix with   and the puree
                                                     water                         10. Add cherries and pulse 3-4
                                                     1 tbspn lemon juice           times
                                                                                   11. Poor mix over the cooled
                                                                                   base and smooth evenly

                                                                                   12. Bake @ 140° for 30-40 mins
                                                                                   13. Allow to cool & refrigerate
                                                                                   14. Cut using a hot knife
                                                                                   15. Serve with a dollop of cherry
                                                                                   sauce - enjoy!
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