Page 1 - LGW Extension Newsletter July 2021 FINAL
P. 1
July 2021
Lansdowne Gardens on Wycombe
Extension Update
Dear Residents, Families, Friends and Staff, The team we have from Cranbrook Care, Nash
Project Management and Total Construction, are
I’m excited to let you know that we have now
all dedicated to delivering an incredible new
appointed a head building contractor, Total
residence that can offer so much more to our
Construction (Total) to build our 87 bed residence
residents. They are also keenly aware of the
at Lansdowne Gardens on Wycombe.
importance of communication with our residents,
Total have been in the building industry for 26 families and staff, and are committed to working
years and have a lot of experience in the aged care together to ensure this communication is
space. They understand well the complexities of effective.
working near an existing aged care residence and
I would also like to assure you that we will be
are passionate about taking our residents on this
maintaining the existing residence at 58A
exciting journey with us.
Wycombe Road whilst it waits for its full
You may have already started seeing some new refurbishment.
faces around 54, 56 and 58 Wycombe Road, and
If you have any questions that are not answered
from this week you’ll start to see fencing going up
in this newsletter, please feel free to email
around the site, and a lot more activity as Total
Edwina Bower at
prepares for the construction.
Demolition of the houses at 58 and 54 Wycombe
Kind regards,
Road will start in the week of 5 July. This will be a
“soft start” with the strip out of the houses
happening before full demolition in mid-July. The
trees we are not retaining will also be removed at
Kerry Mann
this time and the garages shall be demolished. The
Chief Executive Officer
trees that are being kept will have tree protection
set up around them.