Page 2 - LGW Extension Newsletter July 2021 FINAL
P. 2
Project Summary
Cranbrook Care has purchased the three large staff room, several outdoor areas, a
adjoining properties to our existing aged rooftop terrace with a view of the
care residence at 58A Wycombe Road. We Harbour Bridge and city skyline, and a
will be demolishing the houses at 54 and Café.
58 Wycombe Road, however, the house at
Once the construction of the new building
56 Wycombe Road is heritage listed. We
is almost complete the basement of the
will therefore be retaining this house and
existing residence will start to be
restoring it to its former glory. The new
completely transformed. The space will
building will sit around the heritage house
offer a salon, gym, and club lounge, as
and the house will become the focal point
well as offices and a meeting room.
of the property.
With the construction of the new building
complete, we will be offering all residents
first choice of the suites they would like to
move into so the refurbishment of the
existing residence can start. All residents
will need to move into the new building as
the refurbishment is very extensive. We
will be giving all existing suites a thorough
“lift” with new flooring, paint, lighting and
joinery. The ground floor is going to
Prior to demolishing the two houses, all become a secure memory support area,
the trees that we are keeping will have and we will be moving the dining room
tree protection set up around them. After and staff station. To accommodate this,
demolishing the two houses, there will be we will be removing and constructing
extensive excavation done on the sites of suites in different locations. The lift is also
54 and 58 Wycombe Road. being removed from this building.
The new building will then be constructed Once the existing building is refurbished,
and will be linked into the heritage house. the links between the buildings will be
There will be an underground car park, opened. Residents who wish to return to
multiple lounges and dining rooms, a full their original suites on the first floor will
size commercial kitchen and laundry, a be welcome to at this point.
An early image of the heritage listed house at 56 Wycombe Road before renovations were made to it.
We plan to return it to this state.