Page 5 - LG Newsletter Summer 2021_Final
P. 5


            Spinach & Ricotta

            Cannelloni                                                     What’s

             Once again, the festive season is
             upon us. Where has 2021 gone? It                               With Ashley, Group Executive Chef
             has been a very busy time for our
             food services teams, with Christmas      Spinach & Ricotta
             only days away! If you regularly
             shop at Cole’s supermarkets, you’d       Cannelloni
             know that it’s been Christmas there
             since August, with decorations,          Ingredients                    Method
             mince pies, hams, and turkey’s
             being readily available.                 1.  Cannelloni shells          • In a large bowl mix ricotta,
                                                      2.  Fresh ricotta                 lemon zest, minced garlic,
             For the featured summer recipe I         3.  Lemon zest                    some parmesan cheese,
             have asked Carlos Viera, our             4.  Baby spinach wilted and       spinach and chopped basil
             Executive Chef at Bayswater                  chopped                       and parsley.
                                                      5.  Minced garlic              • Fill cannelloni using a piping
             Gardens to provide us with a recipe
             of his choice, that he enjoys making     6.  Parmesan cheese               bag and lay a tray with a thin
             and enjoying with his family. Carlos     7.  Mozzarella                    layer of napolitana sauce.
                                                      8.  Basil                      • Cover with extra napolitana
             has selected a beautiful Cannelloni
             dish.  This is one of those dishes       9.  Napolitana sauce              sauce.
                                                      10. Chopped parsley            • Add mozzarella cheese and
             that is all about the preparation and
             the use of fresh ingredients. It                                           drizzle of olive.
             results in a delicious pasta dish that                                  • Cover with baking paper and
             can be made or cooked in advance.                                                               o
             Thank you Carlos!                                                       • Cook in the oven at 160 C for
                                                                                        45 minutes.
                                                                                     • Remove baking paper and foil
             I am very much looking forward to                                          and cook for a further 10
             the festive season and spending it
                                                                                        minutes until golden.
             with my family and loved ones, as I                                     • Serve with parmesan and
             am sure you are too. I wish all of                                         chopped parsley.
             our food services team, clinical staff,
             residents, and families an enjoyable
             and safe Christmas and New Year!

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