Page 6 - LG Newsletter Summer 2021_Final
P. 6
Meet The Hon. Dr Frank Roland McGrath
On 30 December, The Hon Dr Frank Roland McGrath After his retirement, Frank completed his PhD in
AM OBE celebrates his 100th birthday and a history at the University of Sydney on the intentions
fascinating life. of the framers of the Australian Constitution, 1891–
1897. A gifted pianist, Frank also took up playing the
Frank was the only child of James McGrath, a organ in his retirement, and sought out tuition in
shipwright, and Mary Broadfield, a seamstress and Sydney and London, with a number of church
fine soprano. The family migrated to Australia in organists. He also dabbled in writing, including a
1924 from Birkenhead, England. After attending play and two unpublished novels.
Canterbury Boys High School, Frank completed his
BA (Hons) in History, with the University Medal, then In 1977, Frank received the award of OBE and in
his MA and his LLB at the University of Sydney. At 1991, Frank was made a Member of the Order of
university he met Amy Cumpston and they married Australia ‘for service to the law, particularly in the
in 1944, a marriage which lasted until Amy’s passing field of workers’ compensation and to the
in September 2019, a few weeks shy of their 75th community’. The recognition of his community work
wedding anniversary. Running beside Frank’s career included acknowledgement of his extensive service
was Amy’s, as a poet, playwright and novelist. to the arts, including President of the Arts Council of
NSW 1975–84 and his roles in establishing the
Whilst an undergraduate, through his father, Frank Mews Theatre, the Australian Theatre, two Music
obtained work as a blacksmith’s striker at Morts Theatre Forums and a scholarship fund. Frank, a
Dock and Engineering Works on the Balmain keen sailor, served as the Chairman for the Australia
waterfront, and became a member, and sometime Day Anniversary Regatta for 15 years, Commodore
secretary, of the Balmain branch of the Federated of the Double Bay Sailing Club sat on the Board of
Ironworkers’ Association (FIA). the Youth Hostels Association.
It was during this time that Frank became interested Frank has four daughters, eight grandchildren and
in the law, when he became involved in a political ten great‐grandchildren. Her Majesty, Queen
clash with the Communist Party in 1949, alleging Elizabeth II, and the Governor‐General, His
corruption of the Union’s electoral process. By Excellency General the Hon David Hurley AC DSC
1951, now a Barrister, Frank fought and won a legal (Retd) and Mrs Linda Hurley, have sent cards in
challenge by proving that the Communist Party’s congratulations to Frank for his approaching
ballot papers had been written in piles. centenary.
In 1966, he was appointed as a Commissioner, then
Chairman of the NSW Workers Compensation On behalf of Lansdowne Gardens we pass on our
Commission. Frank served as Chief Judge of the very best wishes to Frank on becoming a
NSW Compensation Court from 1984 until his centenarian and wish him many happy returns.
compulsory retirement in 1993 at the age of 72.