Page 2 - Lansdowne Gardens Newsletter Spring_2017 Final
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                                     From David

            "Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a
            flower."   Albert Camus

                                                              Margery at 'All about flowers' exhibition at The Calyx
            With Spring upon us, we have planned some
            exciting outings and events for our Lansdowne
            Residents and their loved ones.
            From a walk through the NSW Art Gallery to view
            the Archibald to a Wine & Cheese Festival or
            experiencing Chamber Music.                       With some resident’s no longer being able to manage
                                                              their own mail, it is a timely reminder for families to
            Please also check the monthly Leisure and Lifestyle   notify these writers with a change of postal address.
            calendar which is full of wonderful activities. We   Currently we are re‐directing these business‐type letters
            hope to see you at some of them.
                                                              back to the families concerned. Of course if the
                                                              correspondence is of a personal nature such as a
            Kicking the events off for spring was our annual   postcard, card or personal letter our Leisure Lifestyle
            Pets on the Lawn ‐ always a fun day had by all.
                                                              team are only too happy to assist your loved one to open
            Michelle Megson, our Director of Care Services has   and read. For Government agencies such as Centrelink
            joined us at Lansdowne Gardens. Michelle’s        and the Australian Electoral Commission there are specific
            experience will bring some great changes. We look   Aged Care Nominee forms. For your convenience, we
            forward to working with Michelle moving forward.   have made these forms available at reception.

            With the warmer months soon to be with us now     We are always looking for opportunities to make our
            is a great time to thinking about making use of   resident’s have the best experiences available. In order to
            BBQ at Wycombe Road and Manns Avenue, to          do so we need your feedback! For this purpose the “My
            spend time with your loved one at Lansdowne       Thoughts” leaflet is available at reception, and once
            Gardens.                                          complete can be deposited in the “Suggestions” box.

            Please feel free to contact me to arrange a time   These can take the form of a general comment,
            and any catering requirements you may need.       suggestion for improvement or a complaint. This
                                                              feedback is a fast efficient way to assess and action our
            Until next time…                                  service quality and additional offerings to you. Likewise if
                                                              you feel a staff member or team deserve special
                                                              recognition, these compliments can then be provided to
                                                              Michelle or David to ensure the staff concerned receive
                                                              your praise.

            David Clark, Residential Services Manager         Lynette Phillips, Client Services Manager
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